

*** PhD scholarships available ***

Dear All,
Please feel free to circulate to potential candidates.

Thank you in advance,


An opportunity for up to four fully-funded, full-time PhD studentships starting in October 2020 is currently being offered by the Faculty of Business and Law. Ref: 2021-OCT-FBL01.

Closing date for applications is Monday 23 March 2020.

We are looking for applications from excellent candidates who are wishing to complete a PhD project in a subject area that aligns with the faculty’s research strengths. You can explore the Business and Law research groups and centres<> for further information on these research strengths. You are strongly advised to identify a relevant academic within the faculty, who would be willing to provide feedback on your research proposals prior to submission of the application and would also be prepared to act as your supervisor if you are successful.

Funding details

The studentship will start on October 1, 2020. The funding consists of an annual tax-free stipend of £15,009 (RCUK rate), subject to satisfactory progress, for three years.

In addition, it covers annual tuition fees at full-time Home/EU rate for the length of the funding period. Please note that successful applicants who are normally required to pay overseas/international fees will have to cover the difference (approx £9000 ) between the Home/EU and the overseas tuition fee rates themselves.

Further details available HERE<,13OMC,5Q68M2,3V277,1> and at:,13OMC,5Q68M2,3V277,1

Dr Paweł Capik
Senior Lecturer in International Business

Bristol Business School  I  University of the West of England
Frenchay Campus  I  Bristol  I  BS16 1QY  I  UK
office: 6X220<https:[log in to unmask],-2.5504121,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4871903328e7cebf:0xe7518ef4f7d97a65!8m2!3d51.5009264!4d-2.5498649>
t: +44 117 328 6158
e-m: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Recent books:
Foreign Investment Promotion: Governance and Implementation in Central Eastern European Regions<>

Relocation of Economic Activity: Contemporary Theory and Practice in Local, Regional and Global Perspectives<>

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