(From SAFS Alumnus Nicole Hellar) 

 We are hiring a new Assistant Food Access Coordinator here at the Eastern Market. 

This was my entry level position and in four years I have grown to Food Access Manager. Please share amongst your networks, it is a great opportunity for recent college grads! 
Thank you! 
Nicole Hellar
Food Access Manager
Eastern Market Partnership
313.833.9300  Ext. 116 [Office]
734.512.7566 [Cell]
Eastern Market Partnership is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
EasternMarket.org | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Julie Cotton, M.S.
Academic Specialist
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems

Michigan State University
1066 Bogue St., Room A264 
Plant and Soil Science Building
East Lansing, MI 48824

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undergrads: safs.msu.edu
grads: effs.msu.edu