*TESAM IV. INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCES CONGRESS* *With Economic, Political, Social, Historical, International Relations and Security Dimensions of Turkey's Relationship with Europe* TESAM Economic Political and strategic Research Centre is organizing an fourth international congress, which aims to present an academic discussion platform for EU studies. Our partners are Istanbul University and Istanbul Commerce University. The theme of this year’s conference is “With Economi Political, Social, Historical, International Relations and Security Dimensions of Turkey's Relationship with Europe”, and the congress will be held on April 11-12, 2020 in Istanbul. A Congress Proceedings Book will be published online and printing and certificate of attendance will be provided. Eligible full papers presented at the Congress will be considered for publication in special issues of peer-reviewed Journal of TESAM AKADEMI. The panels will be held in Turkish or English and there will be no simultaneous translation. For detailed information, visit our website. http://kongre2020.tesam.org.tr/en/ The deadline for submitting papers is March 27, 2020. For Registering; http://kongre2020.tesam.org.tr/en/home/bildiri-gonder/ *CONGRESS PARTNERS * Marmara University Istanbul Commerce University Istanbul University *CONGRESS WEBSITE * http://kongre2020.tesam.org.tr/en/ *CONGRESS ADDRESS * Istanbul Commerce University Sütlüce Campus Conference Hall Adress: Örnektepe Neighborhood İmrahor Street No: 88/2, Beyoğlu 34445 / Istanbul Phone: 444 0 413 Click for map information. [Google] *CONGRESS FEE * The participant may present more than one paper at the Congress. Each paper presentation will be evaluated separately. The amount that the participants will pay per person is *80 Euro.* *Account Information in which the Participation Fee will be Paid * Account Holder : EKONOMİK SİYASAL VE STRATEJİK ARAŞTIRMALARA MERKEZ Bank : ALBARAKA TÜRK KATILIM BANKASI Branch : NİLÜFER Account No : 8261636-1 IBAN : TR73 0020 3000 0826 1636 0000 01 *TRANSPORTATION AND ACCOMMODATION * Transportation and accommodation fees belong to the participants and discounted accommodation can be made in contracted hotels. Detailed information and contracted hotels can be reached at www.tesam.org.tr. *CONGRESS LANGUAGES * The language of the congress is Turkish and English. Papers can be presented in one of these languages. *RIGHT TO SUBMIT PAPER * The works sent to the congress have not been presented or published anywhere before and they should be original works. Each participant can participate in the congress with only one paper. Proposals for papers will be evaluated by the Regulatory and Scientific Committee Members, taking into consideration the conformity of the subjects, the scientific conditions and the originality of the study. The evaluations of the board members will be in the form of acceptance / rejection. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.