The 6th annual conference of the International Corporate Governance Society will take place on November 14-15, 2020 at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. The conference is intended to provide a forum for international academics, practitioners, and doctoral students to showcase and discuss the latest corporate governance research.
Research proposals and papers that contribute to the broad body of knowledge in comparative corporate governance will be considered for this conference. Special consideration will be made for examinations of the influence of corporate governance practices on environmental sustainability activities and outcomes within and between firms and nations. For example, Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock which manages over $7 trillion in investments, recently announced that they would exit investments that “present a high sustainability-related risk,” and increase the importance of sustainability efforts when investing in new companies.
In addition to general corporate governance studies, the conference’s special theme focuses on environmental sustainability due to the global threat that it poses to all traditional economic activity and the quickly shifting governance challenges that it poses. The size of this global threat precludes the private sector from solving this issue by itself; nonetheless, the private sector needs to be part of the solution. For example, just removing all fossil fuels from the global economy creates enormous economic and political challenges. If this happens, corporate governance mechanisms will be the means by which these changes are made. The following questions are just a few that arise from transitioning to a more sustainable economy:
· What national institutions facilitate or hinder this transition?
· How are corporate boards addressing this transition?
· Do certain ownership types help or hinder this transition?
· Does ESG auditing help or hurt this transition?
· What are executive and board member ethical responsibilities during this transition?
We invite you to submit an extended abstract or full paper to the conference. The submission must build upon previously unpublished and not-yet-presented original research. A full paper should not exceed 40 double-spaced pages in length (including abstract, references, tables, and figures). An extended abstract submission should include the following sections: (1) Abstract: 200 to 300 word description that summarizes the overall study; (2) Text: Narrative description of your conceptual or empirical study; (3) Supporting material: References, tables, and figures that support the proposal. Overall, the extended abstract should not exceed 10 single-spaced pages in length or 3,000 words. Extended abstracts and full papers can be submitted starting on April 1, 2020 and must be submitted by 12 midnight (EST) on May 1, 2020 in order to be considered for a conference presentation. All proposals must be submitted through our online conference management system, which is accessed through the ‘Conferences’ tab of the ICGS website,
Decisions on submissions regarding their inclusion in the conference program will be provided by June 30, 2020. The very best proposals will be invited to submit a full-length research paper of approximately 30-40 double-spaced pages by August 31, 2020 in order to be considered for the best conference paper award. The author(s) who win(s) this award will be recognized at the conference.