Are you interested in becoming a Marie Curie Fellow and work on your research project? Are you willing to have the University of Macerata as your host institution? Then you should apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship within the Horizon 2020 programme, aiming to promote excellent research across borders.
The University of Macerata will award a travel grant to support and train very talented researchers to successfully apply for MSCA Individual Fellowships with the University of Macerata as host institution.
Two funding schemes are provided under the announcement. The first one may be relevant for you:
Who can apply? Researchers who will have completed a doctorate or have gained at least 4 years of full-time research experience after graduation by Sept 9, 2020. See also the specific eligibility requirements under each funding scheme in the announcement.
Which topics can be funded? All areas of scientific research that are of interest to the EU may be eligible for funding. Please consider that the University of Macerata focuses exclusively on SSH disciplines.
Deadline of this Announcement: March 31st, 2020
Please, visit this website for further informations:
Best regards.
Ernesto Tavoletti
Ernesto Tavoletti, PhD, Associate Professor of Management, International Business Strategy, and International Marketing, Department of Political Science, Communication and International Relations, University of Macerata, P.zza Strambi, n. 1, 62100, Macerata, Italy, Phone: +39-0733-2582768; Fax: +39-0733-2582768, Skype: ernesto.tavoletti; webpage: