Dear all,
In celebration of the International Journal of Emerging
Markets’ (IJoEM) growth in reach and quality, we would like to present this virtual issue, now available to access for free until the 29 February.
IJoEM continues to reach new audiences. In 2019 IJoEM achieved its highest downloads figure yet, totalling 75,832 over the course of the year: a 22% increase from 3 years previously. IJoEM also received its first Impact Factor (2.067),
and was upgraded to a B in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List. These achievements would not be possible without the efforts of our authors and editorial team members, who we thank for their dedication.
This free-access virtual issue comprises of the following papers, all of which are accessible on Emerald Insight:
Doing favors in the Arab world by Ron Berger, Ram Herstein, Daniel McCarthy and Sheila Puffer
China goes global: provenance, projection, performance and policy by Peter Buckley
The springboard network: multinationals in Latin America by Federico Quesada Chaves
Technological innovation as a source of Chinese multinationals’ firm-specific advantages and internationalization by Shaowei He, Zaheer Khan, Yong Kyu Lew and Grahame
Springing from where? How emerging market firms become multinational enterprises by Jean-François Hennart
Re-orienting the paradigm: path dependence in FDI theory and the emerging multinationals by Jan Knoerich
M&As in Africa – effects of law and governance by Alex Lundqvist, Eva Liljeblom, Anders Löflund and Benjamin Maury
The largest financial groups from emerging economies: Location determinants of foreign affiliates and cultural differences by J. Francois Outreville
The influence of political risk, inertia and imitative behavior on the location choice of Chinese multinational enterprises: Does state ownership matter? by Diego
Quer, Enrique Claver and Laura Rienda
Emerging market multinationals and the concept of ownership advantages
by Peter Williamson and Feng Wan
Are you interested?
IJoEM is open for submissions. Please visit the journal homepage to view the aims and scope, or to submit a paper directly.
If you require more information, please contact Hayley Coulson
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Best wishes,
IJoEM Editorial Team
Hayley Coulson
| Emerald Publishing