Dear Team,


Kindly please share this call for papers on Artificial Intelligence Challenges and Opportunities for International HRM in the  International Journal of Human Resource Management


Guest Editors:

Pawan Budhwar, 50th Anniversary Professor of International HRM, Aston Business School and Co-Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Management. Email: [log in to unmask]


Ashish Malik, Associate Professor, University of Newcastle, Australia. [log in to unmask]





Associate Professor Ashish Malik, PhD(HRM&IR)

Student Academic Conduct Officer (Ourimbah and WebLearn)

Associate Editor – India Studies, Asia Business & Management (ABS-2)

Editorial Board – Journal of Business Research (ABDC – A), Journal of Knowledge Management (ABDC–A)

Faculty of Business and Law

T: +61 2 43484133 I M: +61 404525727

E: [log in to unmask]



The University of Newcastle (UON)
Central Coast Business School, 10 Chittaway Road, Ourimbah

University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

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Ranked 207th in the world by
QS World University Rankings 20202
CRICOS Provider 00109J


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