

Fellow AIB members,

The Management Education and Development (MED) division of the Academy of Management is delighted to invite you to our next interactive video webinar. Hosted by the Merrick School of Business at University of Baltimore, these webinars bring together academics and practitioners from around the world to discuss the latest topics in management learning and education. Participants who are new to the field are most welcome and the webinar will help them get engaged and up-to-date.

All are welcome, and we are particularly keen to involve doctoral students, junior faculty and international scholars and practitioners who may not have easy access to the Academy annual meeting. The webinar is free, and you can participate using any electronic device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) when you install Zoom (also free) 

Title: Active Diversity Learning: Redesigning Diversity Training to Enhance Skill Development

Session Description: While diversity training and education programs have proliferated in organizations, the effectiveness of such programs has been called into question given unconvincing evidence of their actual and lasting impact on employee learning and transfer to the work environment. This talk will review existing research findings on the effects of diversity training and highlight potential issues with current training designs. To address these issues, a new, learning-centered approach to diversity training and future directions for research and practice will be discussed.

Speaker: [log in to unmask]&xsl=bio_long" target="_blank">Quinetta M. Roberson is the Fred J. Springer Endowed Chair in Business Leadership in the School of Business at Villanova University. Her research interests focus on developing organizational capability and enhancing effectiveness through the strategic management of people, particularly diverse work teams, and has appeared in many of the leading journals in management and I-O psychology. Professor Roberson was an Associate Editor at the Journal of Applied Psychology (2008-2014), and edited a Handbook of Diversity in the Workplace published by Oxford Press.

Professor Roberson has over 20 years of experience teaching courses and workshops globally on leadership, talent management and diversity. Her research and teaching are informed by her background in finance, having worked as a financial analyst and small business development consultant prior to obtaining her doctorate. Professor Roberson currently serves as President-Elect of the Academy of Management (AOM) for 2019-2020.

Sponsor: Management Education and Development (MED) division; Kim Gower (U. of Mary Washington; MED Chair) 

Host: Murray Dalziel (Dean, Merrick School of Business, U. of Baltimore)

When: Apr 16, 2020 12:30 – 1:30 PM Eastern Time

How to join:

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Stickney or Eusebio Scornavacca.

We look forward to seeing you in this vibrant community of scholars and practitioners!


Miguel R. Olivas, Ph.D.

Teaching Professor, Associate Director


Center for International Human Resource Studies (CIHRS)

School of Labor and Employment Relations

501B Keller Building


The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802, USA

email: [log in to unmask]; phone: +1 814-867-4773



AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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