Dear Colleagues,
It’s time to block the week of 6-10 December already! The
UNCTAD World Investment Forum 2020
takes place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, this year and, as ever, will be packed full of high-level speakers from across the global investment for development community.
Business and governments are increasingly putting sustainability at the core of their activities. The World Investment Forum 2020 will bring all stakeholders together to explore ways and means to further leverage investment
for growth and sustainable development.
Since the first WIF, in 2008, the forum has become the largest global platform for high-level dialogue and action on investment and development. The forum offers you the chance to:
Understand the global investment and investment policy landscape
Contribute to the debate on investment governance and policy
Hear how investment stakeholders are integrating sustainability and the SDGs
Discuss investment mega trends and the opportunities and challenges for the 2020s
Meet with the global investment community and network with high level participants
The last forum attracted over 6600 people, including Heads of State and Government, ministers, executives of global companies and stock exchanges, sovereign wealth fund and pension fund managers, family businesses, entrepreneurs,
investment treaty negotiators, heads of investment promotion agencies, international investment location experts, heads of international organizations, parliamentarians, civil society representatives, thought leaders, and the international media.
This year’s forum will focus on three key issues facing the global investment-development community through a series of high-level events:
How can investment stakeholders more rapidly integrate sustainability into investment decisions and business operations to create long term value and development impact?
How can governments and business respond to the far-reaching development consequences of technological change and the impact on investment?
With the stakes for our planet, communities and economy ever higher, and with UNCTAD’s
latest forecast for global investment looking weak, the World Investment Forum 2020 is needed more than ever as it enters its second decade.
We hope you can join us in Abu Dhabi in December!
You will also have the opportunity to visit the World Expo 2020.
James X. Zhan
Director, Investment and Enterprise
Lead, World Investment Forum and
World Investment Report
United Nations Conference on Trade & Development
The event is free but registration compulsory –
registration opening in March
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WIF2020: Investing in sustainable development
Investment. Sustainability. Partnership