EIBA-IBR Paper Development Workshop
10th Atlas AFMI Annual Conference - IAE Poitiers, University of Poitiers, France - 18 May 2020
Submission deadline: 10 March 2020
Atlas AFMI (Association Francophone de Management International) is organizing an EIBA-IBR Paper Development Workshop at the 10th Atlas AFMI Annual Conference, IAE Poitiers, University of Poitiers, France, 18-20 May 2020.
The purpose of the EIBA-IBR Paper Development Workshop is to provide scholars and doctoral students with developmental feedback on their current research projects in international business studies. While we hope that many of these papers will be eventually
submitted to IBR, the purpose of the PDW is broader: to improve the quality of IB research and bring new scholars into the IB field. We invite original papers from authors who have not previously published in International Business Review.
EIBA-IBR Paper Development Workshop Organizers:
Pervez Ghauri, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)
EIBA Board Member & Editor-in-Chief IBR
Ulrike Mayrhofer, IAE Nice, GRM, Université Côte d’Azur (France)
EIBA Board Member (national representative France) & Member of Editorial Board IBR
Roger Strange, University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
Associate Editor IBR
Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia (Italy)
Member of Editorial Board IBR