Call for SEASONAL RESEARCH TECHNICIANS, Summer 2020 Structure and function of sea lamprey pheromone components & Their Antagonists Li Laboratory: Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Focus of the research: The Weiming Li laboratory at Michigan State University will be hiring 6+ seasonal research technicians to assist with sea lamprey behavioral assays. A primary focus of the Li lab is to identify and characterize the function of different pheromone components released by the invasive sea lamprey. We will be conducting behavior experiments in both natural streams and the laboratory to investigate aspects of sea lamprey biology and chemical communication in an effort to assess the potential utility of these pheromones for sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes (i.e. trapping or luring compounds, diverters, or behavioral antagonists). Tasks: Technicians will be responsible for assisting with bioassays in the field and laboratory at USGS Hammond Bay Biological Station, Millersburg, MI from May through August. Technicians will gain experience in: (1) passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging surgical procedures and telemetry equipment, (2) animal behavioral observations, (3) dissection and basic physiology, (4) data collection and management, (5) fish husbandry and care. Training will be provided for all job-related activities. Qualifications: College-level coursework in a biological or environmental sciences is preferred. Applicants must have a strong work ethic and a willingness to work in inclement conditions (i.e., exposure to heat, rain, biting/stinging insects). The majority of the work will be outdoors in local streams and tributaries to the Great Lakes occurring rain or shine, day or night. Applicants must be willing to work through the night for extended periods. Pay rate: 11.00-12.00 USD/hr (pay rate is increased yearly for returning technicians) Hours: Full time (40+ hr/week) seasonal position (May-August) Housing: Shared housing provided near USGS Biological Station, Millersburg, MI Application deadline: February 16, 2020 Lab Website: Contact Information: Interested candidates should send email to Skye Fissette at [log in to unmask] with (1) A brief statement of why you are suitable for the position and (2) Resume/CV with names and contact information for two professional references. [cid:[log in to unmask]]