

Dear Colleagues,
We call for Systematic Reviews & Theory building papers for Asia Pacific
Business Review.
See our call for papers - Special issue, Deadline: April 1, 2020.

Here's our weblink.

Detailed call below signature.

Best Regards,

*Professor, University of PR, San Juan, PR, USA
<> & Distinguished Scholar, IIM, Kerala
*+1 407 961 0811 (Cell)*
*+91 95627 65022 (India during 18 Dec to 15 **January) *
Managing Guest Editor-International Bus Review

Journal of Busi Research
 Journal of Strategic Marketing
Associate Editor- European Management Journal
,  SIJ
Former Faculty member- Uni of Washington
Author: Export-Import Management Oxford University Press
ResearchGate <>

Google Scholar

Call for Papers:
Journal of Business Research
  Asia Pacific Business Review

Spanish Journal of Marketing

Select Publications:
Masstige Marketing: A Review and Synthesis, J of Bus Research
Masstige Model and Measure for Brand Management

7-P Framework for Internationalization

CPP Model for Internationalization

*Detailed Call for Papers: *

Systematic Reviews and Theory Building:Directions for Research, Theory and
Editors: Justin Paul
& Chris Rowley

It is worth noting that hundreds of research papers have been published
using the same old theories, measures and methods. Ideally, researchers
should look for new and novel ideas theories, measures and methods that can
serve as a platform for future research, instead of using the same old
stuff in a recycled and replete way. Theory building papers and Systematic
Review studies serve as base/platform/lens for future research as they
identify research gaps and suggest exciting new directions for a given
field of research, many times with reference to Methodology,
Constructs/Variables, Theory and Contexts.  Theoretical models developed as
part of Review studies can be used by researchers and practitioners as
typologies/ base/ lens in their empirical research.  They would be great
addition to the literature.

This is a call for such articles that would serve as base/lens/platform for
future research. Please avoid submitting articles which do not have Newness
and Novelty.

We propose to consider 6 different types of REVIEW Papers (See below) in
all subject areas of business and management covered by the journal and
related to the Asia pacific region, ie Strategy, Marketing, Human Resource
Management, International Business, Leadership, etc. These types are
outlined at the end with examples to learn about the structure, purpose and
method followed to be considered, used and referenced. Questions can be
addressed to Professor Justin Paul.

Type 1: Framework Based Review

Paul, J., & Benito, G. R. (2018). A review of research on outward foreign
direct investment from emerging countries, including China: what do we
know, how do we know and where should we be heading? Asia Pacific Business
Review, 24(1), 90-115 (ADO Framework)

Paul, J., & Rosado-Serrano, A. (2019). Gradual Internationalization vs
Born-Global/International new venture models: A review and research agenda.
International Marketing Review. (TCCM Framework)

Type 2: Review of a Theory in a Specific Field

Gilal (2018). The role of self-determination theory in marketing
science: An integrative review and agenda for research. *European
Management Journal*.

Type 3: Theme-Based Systematic Literature Reviews with Directions for
Future Research

Kumar, A, Paul, J & Unnithan, A (2019). Masstige Marketing: A Review,
Synthesis and Research Agenda.* Journal of Business Research*

Hao, A., et. al. (2019), Two decades of research on nation branding: a
review and future research agenda. *International Marketing Review*

Rosado-Serrano, A., Paul, J. & Dikova, D (2018). International franchising:
A literature review and research agenda. *Journal of Business Research*,
85, 238-257

Rana, J., & Paul, J. (2017). Consumer Behavior and purchase intention for
organic food: A review and research agenda. *Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services*, 38, 157-165

Paul, J., Parthasarathy, S., & Gupta, P. (2017). Exporting challenges of
SMEs: A review and future research agenda. *Journal of world business*,
52(3), 327-342

Kahiya, E. T. (2018). Five decades of research on export barriers: Review
and future directions. *International Business Review*

Type 4: Review Aiming for Theory/ Theoretical Model/Framework Development

(These are types of the Review articles published in *Academy of Management
Review & Academy of Marketing Science Review*)
Paul, J., & Mas, E. (2019). Toward a 7-P framework for international
marketing. *Journal of Strategic Marketing*,1-21
Paul, J. (2019), Marketing in emerging markets: a review, theoretical
synthesis and extension.  *International Journal of Emerging Markets*

Type 5: Structured Review Focusing on Methods, Constructs, Context and

Canabal, A., & White III, G. O. (2008). Entry mode research: Past and
future. *International Business Review*, 17(3), 267-284.

Paul, J., & Singh, G. (2017). The 45 years of foreign direct investment
research: Approaches, advances and analytical areas. *The World Economy*,
40(11), 2512-2527

Type 6: Bibliometric Analysis Review

Randhawa, K., Wilden, R., & Hohberger, J. (2016). A bibliometric review of
open innovation: Setting a research agenda. *Journal of Product Innovation
Management*, 33(6), 750-772

Editorial Information

Guest Editors:

Professor Justin Paul

Graduate School of Business, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, USA
&- Indian Institute of Management, Kerala

Email:  [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]

Professor Chris Rowley

Kellogg College, University of Oxford & Cass Business School, City,
University of London

Email: [log in to unmask]

Explore Author Services
We aim to make publishing with Taylor & Francis a rewarding experience for
all our authors. Please visit our Author Services website for more
information, guidance, FAQs and to contact us directly.
Submission Guidelines

In both systematic literature reviews and theory building articles, at
least 20% of the paper should be dedicated for developing future research
agenda. Theme-based reviews, theory-based reviews and method-based reviews
are welcome.

We urge researchers to focus on identifying the research gaps and focus on
future research agenda development, as seen in the listed (specimen)
articles below. While selecting the topics for a systematic review, please
avoid the topics in which a comprehensive review has been published in the
last 2-3 years.

Timelines for Guest Editors to receive submissions:

Abstracts: by 1 February 2020 (NB it is not mandatory to submit an Abstract)

Full Papers: between 1 March-1 April 2020 (1st Drafts)

All papers will undergo the standard review process

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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