FoodCorps is a nationwide team of AmeriCorps leaders that connects kids to real food and helps them grow up healthy. We do that by placing motivated leaders in limited-resource communities for a year of public service. Serving under the direction
of local partner organizations, our service members focus on three areas of service:
● Hands-on learning: students grow, cook, and taste new foods, which builds their skills and changes food preferences
● Healthy school meals: the cafeteria experience steers students towards the healthiest options and gets them excited to try new healthy foods
● Schoolwide culture of health: as a whole, the school community and environment – from hallways to classrooms to cafeteria to grounds – celebrates healthy food. We measure our success in terms of changes in children, schools, and systems.
Deadline to apply: March 13, 2020
Kane Martin| FoodCorps |
Recruitment Coordinator | He/Him/His
FoodCorps Alum - IA '16
— |
(503) 765-8015 |