

Looking for a great post-graduate experience that creates networking opportunities and helps you pay your student loans?

FoodCorps has offered several past SAFS graduates amazing opportunities to work with kids throughout the nation.

We are currently accepting applications for the 2020-2021 program year!
FoodCorps is a nationwide team of AmeriCorps leaders that connects kids to real food and helps them grow up healthy. We do that by placing motivated leaders in limited-resource communities for a year of public service. Serving under the direction of local partner organizations, our service members focus on three areas of service:
● Hands-on learning: students grow, cook, and taste new foods, which builds their skills and changes food preferences
● Healthy school meals: the cafeteria experience steers students towards the healthiest options and gets them excited to try new healthy foods
● Schoolwide culture of health: as a whole, the school community and environment – from hallways to classrooms to cafeteria to grounds – celebrates healthy food. We measure our success in terms of changes in children, schools, and systems.

Deadline to apply: March 13, 2020

Learn more about our program and apply:<;!!HXCxUKc!n-EZb3O9v-Lvy0WjnqNESGmCEkVkQ68Y5UNuyrWR5VyY4y1CU0k0sieCc3JOnAc$>

Kane Martin| FoodCorps
Recruitment Coordinator | He/Him/His
FoodCorps Alum - IA '16
(503) 765-8015