

Dear Colleagues


I invite you to send a paper for Vol.3 No.4 of IJEXPORTM. IJEXPORTM is specialized in International Business and specifically in exporting. It is a double reviewed outlet and a team of 50

reviewers will help you to upgrade your paper. We are very friendly to the perspective authors and hopefully you will be one of them. IJEXPORTM has applied for the British ABS List of 2021 and to other lists. At the moment it is in the Finnish list (JUFO1), Norwegian List at Level 1 and the American List (Cabell’s Directory). Very soon both issues No.2 and No.3 of Vol.3  will be published.

Many thanks for your support since our establishment in April 2015.


Best wishes


Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (F-EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)

Associate Professor of Innovation Management

School of Economics and Business Administration

University of Tartu

Tartu, Estonia

Email: [log in to unmask]

Mob: +37258339575, +35796572295

Researchgate’s web page:

Google scholar citations:

Member of Editorial review board of Journal of Business Research.


Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing      

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Editor in Chief of Nordic Journal of Tourism (NJT) of Inderscience Publishers at

Submission of a paper to Nordic Journal of Tourism through Inderscience Publishers:

Cost of an open-access paper: 700 USD payable to Indescience Publishers

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

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2nd Nordic International Business, Export Marketing + Tourism Conference 2020, 7–8 November 2020.

Participant journals: IMR, JBR, IBR, SJHT, IJEXPORTM and NJT.

Two special issues by IJEXPORTM and NJT of Inderscience Publishers will support the publication of your research.

Conference Link for submissions:

Conference website:

Conference email: [log in to unmask]

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