Dear Team
I would appreciate if you can circulate and upload the following call for papers on your mailing list as well as the AIB website
We invite you and your colleagues to consider contributing your research to the following calls for papers. Please check the submission closing dates
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of:
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities for International HRM
Submission Closes: 31st January 2020
Guest Editors: Pawan S. Budhwar (Aston University, Birmingham, UK) and Ashish Malik (University of Newcastle, Australia).
For Details see:
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of:
Human Resource Management Review
Issue Title: Leveraging Artificial and Human Intelligence through Human Resource Management
Guest Editors: Professor
Pawan Budhwar, Aston Business School, [log in to unmask]
and Associate Professor Ashish Malik University of Newcastle, [log in to unmask]
For details see:
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of:
Journal of Business Research
Special Issue: "Dark Side of B2B Relationships"
Guest Editors:
Regards, Ashish
Associate Professor Ashish Malik, PhD(HRM&IR)
Student Academic Conduct Officer (Ourimbah and WebLearn)
Associate Editor – India Studies, Asia Business & Management (ABS-2)
Editorial Board –
Journal of Business Research (ABDC – A), Journal of Knowledge Management (ABDC–A)
Faculty of Business and Law
T: +61 2 43484133 I M: +61 404525727
The University of Newcastle (UON)
Central Coast Business School, 10 Chittaway Road, Ourimbah
University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
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