

Dear Colleagues,


We are preparing a special issue for the Journal of Cleaner Production (factor impact: 6.7) focused on the role of multinational enterprises in supporting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.  


Find the detailed call for paper here:


The deadline for submission and review is set for February 28, 2020.


Your  paper submission Elsevier website is located at :


To ensure all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion in the Special Issue we are preparing,  it is important you selected VSI:MNEs supporting SDGs when you reach the

“Article Type” step in the submission process.

More information can also be obtained from the editors:  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]


Best regards,


John McIntyre



John R. McIntyre*, PhD,   

Professor of Management  and International Affairs


Georgia Tech Center for International Business Education& Research 

Scheller College of Business

Strategy & Innovation

Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

Georgia Institute of Technology

800 W.  Peachtree  St., N.W.,

Atlanta, GA, 30308-0520 USA


*Membre d’ honneur de la faculté,  ICN Graduate School of Business, University of Lorraine, France


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