Israel Strategy Conference 

Tel Aviv University,

Israel 20-22 December, 2020

Call for Papers


Submission Deadline: June 1, 2020

In a continuous effort to develop an international community of strategic management scholars and promote the field of strategic management in Israel, we are proud to host the 8th Israel Strategy Conference (ISC 2020) at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University, Israel, on December 20-22, 2020. The program features four prominent keynote speakers including Russ Coff (University of Wisconsin), Rebecca Henderson (Harvard University) and Bruce Kogut (Columbia University)

ISC 2020 offers a unique opportunity to present innovative ideas and explore emerging issues in strategic management, as well as receive feedback on work-in-progress, and network with colleagues. The conference also includes a doctoral consortium that will be held on December 20, 2020. ISC 2020 is sponsored by the Coller School of Management and will offer a unique opportunity to present innovative ideas and explore recent developments and emerging issues in strategic management, as well as receive feedback on work-in-progress, and network with colleagues.

We invite individuals who engage in strategic management research to submit paper proposals.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

1.    Strategy formulation and implementation 

2.    Strategic planning and decision processes

3.    Managing risk and uncertainty 

4.    Strategic control and reward systems 

5.    Resource development and allocation 

6.    Knowledge management

7.    Global Strategy

8.    Strategic alliances and networks 

9.    Diversification and portfolio strategies 

10.  Competitive strategy 

11.  Corporate venturing and entrepreneurship 

Corporate governance

Submission guidelines

ISC will consider unpublished original paper proposals relating to the above topics of interest. International and global perspectives are encouraged. Proposals can be conceptual or empirical, quantitative or qualitative. Published papers or papers that were accepted for publication prior to the submission deadline will not be considered for the conference. Submitted papers will go through a double blind review by a panel of several reviewers. Submissions will be evaluated based on their academic rigor, relevance, and contribution to the field of strategic management. Accepted proposals will be assigned to paper sessions or interactive sessions based on this evaluation. 


Doctoral Consortium

ISC will be holding its annual Doctoral Consortium on Sunday, December 20, 2020 from 8AM to 4PM. The coordinators of the consortium is Adam Kleinbaum (Dartmouth) and Annamaria Conti (University of Lausanne). The consortium will address key issues in academic life such as current and future themes in strategy, thesis development, and getting published in top journals, among other issues. The application deadline for students wishing to present their work is July 1st, 2020. The application deadline for students wishing to attend without presentation is November 1st, 2020. Only electronic applications will be considered. 


Important Dates
April 1, 2020: Submission system opens.
June 1, 2020: Submission deadline.
July 1, 2020: Application deadline Doctoral Consortium
Mid July, 2020: Notices to authors indicating whether the proposed paper has been selected for inclusion in the conference program in a paper session or an interactive session.
August 15, 2020: Registration deadline for presenting authors.
November 1, 2020: Deadline for authors of accepted papers to submit a short abstract and the full-length paper (for paper sessions).
December 20, 2020: ISC Doctoral Consortium
December 20-22, 2020: Israel Strategy Conference, Tel Aviv University


Conference co-organizers

Shiko Ben Menahem (ETH Zurich) – [log in to unmask]
Niron Hashai (IDC Herzliya) - [log in to unmask]
Uriel Stettner (Tel Aviv University) – [log in to unmask] 

Advisory committee

Dovev Lavie (Bocconi University) - [log in to unmask]
Gabriel Szulanski (INSEAD) - [log in to unmask] 
Ithai Stern (INSEAD) - [log in to unmask]
Zur Shapira (New York University) - [log in to unmask] 

Doctoral Consortium committee  

Adam Kleinbaum (Dartmouth) - [log in to unmask]
Annamaria Conti (University of Lausanne) - [log in to unmask]  


We look forward to seeing you in Tel Aviv, Israel!



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Niron Hashai

Associate Professor of Strategy and International Business

Mobile: +972 52 3550067

e-mail: [log in to unmask]


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