

Dear Colleagues! 


You are very welcome to submit your articles to our academic journal
"International Entrepreneurship" (ISSN 2543-537X and eISSN 2543-4934). 

The journal is published by Cracow University of Economics (Poland) and is
recognized by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as an
academic journal. 

All articles are published open access free of charge for authors. The
journal has been operating since 2015. 

So far we have been a bilingual journal publishing articles in both English
and Polish.

Starting from now we will be publishing texts only in English. 


Please submit your article online at  <> but before your submission please read instructions for


The journal covers the results of research and exchange of experience
related to the issues of both international microeconomics / international
business (firms as a research subject) and international macroeconomics
(economy as a research subject), with particular emphasis on international
entrepreneurship in various spatial systems of the global economy.


"International Entrepreneurship" publishes scientific articles, among
others, in the following areas:

1)      international business,

2)      international trade,

3)      global economy,

4)      international finance,

5)      economic integration,

6)      entrepreneurship.

You are very welcome to submit your article into our journal.



Best Regards 

Editorial Baord of "IE" 



'International Entrepreneurship' (IE) 

'Przedsiębiorczość Międzynarodowa' (PM) 

website:  <>     

e-mail:     <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]  


Cracow University of Economics
Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship

Department of International Trade
ul. Rakowicka 27
31-510 Krakow, Poland
tel. +48 12 293 5194, -5376, -5381

fax +48 12 293 5037


Editor-in-Chief: dr hab., prof. UEK Krzysztof Wach 
e-mail:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] 


Editorial Secretary: Dr Marek Maciejewski 

e-mail:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]  


Online Editor: Mgr Krystian Bigos

e-mail:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] 



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