[cid:[log in to unmask]] Academy of Management (AOM) Specialized Conference Advancing Management Research in Latin America<http://mexico.aom.org/> Mexico City, Mexico | 15-17 April 2020 Call for Submissions (Deadline: 13 November 2019) Latin America (LATAM) is a unique and under explored region in terms of research. It is unique since its countries form part of four different regions: North America, Central America, Caribbean and South America; and through its rich history, culture, and various socioeconomic and political conditions, provide a relevant setting for management research and its application. The purpose of the conference is to: 1) foster the development of research from Latin American scholars and institutions, 2) create opportunities for leading scholars to learn more about how their work relates to relevant issues that are embedded within the Latin America context, and 3) establish connections between management educators and scholars from Latin America with those from other parts of the world. The participation of international scholars and practitioners and the availability of academic activities that will take place in English, Spanish and Portuguese, provide an immersive experience that will foster the development of lasting research networks. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to meet with colleagues that share interests in learning more about LATAM and have access to sessions and activities that will provide great cultural insights. Attendees will also experience Mexico City, the biggest metropolis in the region and with an exciting cultural, gastronomic and artistic scenery. IPADE Business School, a leading business school in the region, will host the event in a beautiful colonial-style building inserted in the middle of the city. Submit your proposal to one of the following conference tracks<https://www.eiseverywhere.com/website/3527/tracks/>: * The Embeddedness of Latin American Firms and Entrepreneurs * Tackling Sustainability Challenges in Latin America * Latin American Management * From Research to Action ***** This important event will also feature leading keynote speakers and paper development sessions and workshops from the editors of AMJ - Academy of Management Journal, AMR - Academy of Management Review, AMLE - Academy of Management Learning & Education, AMP - Academy of Management Perspectives, AMD - Academy of Management Discoveries, AMA - Academy of Management Annals, and other leading journals. Learn more about this exciting new AOM conference and submit your full or early stage papers and proposals today at: http://mexico.aom.org Conference Registration Rates<https://www.eiseverywhere.com/website/3527/registration/> (Opening Mid-January, Starting at US$188) Conference Call for Submissions<https://aom.org/uploadedFiles/Meetings/Specialized_Conferences/MEX_CALL.pdf> (Deadline: 13 November) ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.