

Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to invite you to the 1° INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOP ON “STRATEGIC DECISION-MAKING IN INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT”, which will take place on February 27, 2020, at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, in Italy.

During the last four decades, research on strategic decision-making has exponentially increased. On this respect, understanding the strategic decision-making processes within companies, in particular those processes characterized by a high level of uncertainty, such as international strategic decisions, requires the consideration of mechanisms that are distant from the full economic rationality of the main decision-makers, who are affected by several external factors (mainly related to the market and to the social and environmental context) and subjective factors (such as individual and psychological characteristics). All this requires the contribution of interdisciplinary competences, such as management, behavioral economics and psychology. About these aspects, and on an interdisciplinary approach to their understanding, the research still has considerable potential for development.
The workshop theme will be operationalized via a collection of papers that will give the opportunity to create an arena for sharing new and innovative perspectives in the area of both strategic decision-making processes and internationalization. We are looking not only for new approaches on studying
old problems, but also for new and existing insights on issues and phenomena arising from the turbulent environment of the last decades.

Both theoretical and empirical studies are encouraged. A non-exhaustive list of possible topic areas includes the following:
  1. Focus on specific international strategic decisions (e.g. International Market Selection, Entry Mode Selection; global sourcing; de-localization and re-localization).
  2. International marketing strategies and decisions.
  3. Internal and/or external factors influencing international strategic decisions.
  4. Entrepreneurial decision-making in the international context.
  5. Entrepreneur/management features affecting strategic decision-making process.
  6. New models and themes on international strategic decisions.
  7. Firm Internationalization, Market Entry, and Market Exit.
  8. Born Globals and International New Ventures, and related features.
  9. Psychological and psychodynamic aspects behind international strategic decisions.
  10. The influence of culture and identity on decision making.
  11. Investment decision making.
Only unpublished papers, in English or Italian, that have not been previously submitted for publication or presented at other conferences and that are not under review by other journals and/or conferences will be accepted for the workshop.
Full papers must not exceed 7.000 words including abstract, keywords, tables, figures and references.
Extended abstracts must not exceed 3.000 words including abstract, keywords, tables, figures and references.
Please submit your full papers or extended abstracts electronically by sending an email to [log in to unmask]
All manuscripts and proposals must be submitted by January 11, 2020.

All manuscripts are to be submitted using a word (.doc /.docx) document. All identifying information, including any document properties, should be removed prior to submission. Authors’ name and affiliation should be sent in a separate file.
Please format your paper according to the following guidelines:
  1. Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 150 words.
  2. 12 point, Times New Roman
  3. Single-spaced, left justified
  4. A4 sized page, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides
Registration fee: € 50,00.
Accepted authors will be guided regarding fee payment.


 Deadline for paper / abstract submission: January 11, 2020.
 Acceptance notification: January 27, 2020.
 Author registration: From January 28, 2020, to February 10, 2020.
 Conference date: February 27, 2020

University of Urbino
Department of Economics, Society and Politics (DESP)
Palazzo Battiferri, via Saffi 42, Urbino, Italy

Fabio Musso (Carlo Bo University of Urbino)
Barbara Francioni (Carlo Bo University of Urbino)
Maria Gabriella Pediconi (Carlo Bo University of Urbino)
Paolo Polidori (Carlo Bo University of Urbino)
Fabio Tramontana (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)
Ilaria Curina (Carlo Bo University of Urbino)

Accepted papers and extended abstracts will be published in Conference proceedings with ISBN, Publisher: Urbino University Press, Italy.
A selection of papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Economic behavior (IJEB) and the International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE). For publication in IJEB and IJABE, standard review process will be conducted.
Submissions and inquiries should be addressed to: [log in to unmask]

Barbara Francioni, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Marketing and International Business
University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies. 
Cultures, Languages, Literatures, Arts, Media (DISCUI)
Via Saffi, 15
61029 Urbino (Italy)

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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