Dear Colleagues
The Vol.3 N.2 of IJEXPORTM is close to be published and Vol.3 N.3 is under review. Awaiting 1-2 papers for the completion of Vol.3 N.4.
IJEXPORTM is quarterly outlet of research in IB and Export Marketing. A team of 51 reviewers are ready to comment on your paper. Already 37 papers are published and another 5 are accepted. Some other papers are under review. IJEXPORTM has
applied for the British list of ABS for 2021. Other lists will soon approve this journal.
This journal covers issues from all 5 continents and it is already listed at Finnish List (JUFO1), Norwegian List (Level 1) and American List (Cabell’s Directory).
Every paper gets comments from three reviewers so that the end product can be improved.
Many thanks for sending your manuscripts.
Best regards
Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (F-EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)
Associate Professor of Innovation Management
School of Economics and Business Administration
University of Tartu
Tartu, Estonia
Mob: +37258339575, +35796572295
Co-chair of International Marketing Track at Academy of Marketing Conference 2019, 2-4 July, London, UK.
Chair of International Business, Export Marketing and Tourism track at ENEFA 2019, 6-9/11, Chile.
Researchgate’s web page:
Google scholar citations:
Member of Editorial review board of Journal of Business Research
Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing
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Editor in Chief of Nordic Journal of Tourism (NJT) of Inderscience Publishers at
Submission of a paper to Nordic Journal of Tourism through Inderscience Publishers:
Cost of an open-access paper: 700 USD payable to Indescience Publishers
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2nd Nordic International Business, Export Marketing + Tourism Conference 2020, 7–8 November 2020, at DELTA Building, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
Two special issues by IJEXPORTM and NJT of Inderscience Publishers will support the publication of your research.
Conference Link for submissions:
Conference website:
Conference email:
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