

Dear AIB colleagues,

Today is the deadline for submissions to the Specialized Conference in Mexico City, "Advancing Research in Latin America." Would you please consider offering your expertise to create the program? You can also volunteer to act as a session chair (optional, not guaranteed). Reviewers are needed for submissions in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Many of the papers are "Early Stage," which means there will be only 4 pages to read; PDWs and Panel sessions are up to 6 pages long, and full papers will not exceed 40 pages. If you sign up for the third track, Latin American Management, we will try hard not to assign more than one full paper to each volunteer.  

If you could sign up at, I, my fellow track chairs, and our professional stakeholders will very much appreciate your collegiality! 

With best wishes,


~ Miguel           

Miguel R. Olivas-Lujan, Ph.D.   .:.   Professor & Former Chair  .:.   Management & Marketing
Clarion U. of Pennsylvania   .:.   840 Wood St.   .:.   Clarion, PA 16214 USA 
Tel: +1.814.393.2641   .:.   Fax: +1.814.393.1910 
Visiting Professor, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf (Germany) 
and Uniwersytet Marii Curie-SkÅ‚odowskiej (Poland)

Academy of Management, MED Division Former Chair

Senior Editor, Advanced Series in Management â€“
- newest volumes: Diversity Mgmt (21)Diversity Mgmt (22), and HRM 4.0 (23).

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