The Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District (TBAISD) is hiring a part time School Health Team Assistant. The Health Team Assistant will work with TBAISD's Farm to School and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) programs to change the culture of nutrition and wellness in elementary school communities. For more information about the position or to apply, please visit: Link to position posting<;!ioFpBMP7lJU!iYN3JuxX1j8KCYG5Nqfw5MrOIlJ4ddVO3SP4ZvTJIyOxIaH52XX94VfXsh9-IbA$> Thanks for sharing with anyone who may be interested! Alice Bowe Farm to School Coordinator Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> office: 231.922.6334 cell: 734.274.0892<;!ioFpBMP7lJU!iYN3JuxX1j8KCYG5Nqfw5MrOIlJ4ddVO3SP4ZvTJIyOxIaH52XX94VfXzaC8gXc$> Arnell Administration Building 1101 Red Drive, Traverse City, MI 49684 pronouns: she/her/hers