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From: Sustainable Agriculture Education Association <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Save the Date for our next Open Space Dialogue 12/6!
Date: November 8, 2019 at 1:42:19 PM EST
To: <[log in to unmask]>
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Join our next
Open Space Dialogue!
Friday, December 6
12pm-1:30pm PST / 3pm-4:30pm ESTThank you to everyone that participated in our inaugural Open Space Dialogue. We are excited to announce the continuation of this bimonthly series! We heard from sustainable agriculture educators, practitioners, and supporters from across the country on what inspiring projects they're working on as well as what resources and collaborative work would help them in their fields.
We welcome you to share what is alive for you in your teaching and work and hope you will join us in the next call. The purpose of these online gatherings is to deepen the relationships among sustainable agriculture educators across the country and to engage a larger cohort of active SAEA members in making decisions about our organization’s priorities and practices.
We welcome every SAEA member – as well as folks interested in becoming members – to join!
Visit our website for more information. Let us know you'll be attending and RSVP on facebook or email [log in to unmask].
Note: If you have special needs that preclude Zoom use, please write to us at [log in to unmask], and we will do our best to enable you to participate.
Call to action!
We need your help! Can you support us by encouraging others to become a member today? Do you have colleagues who might be interested in joining us? Invite them to join the Open Space Dialogue!
Thank you for helping us serve and connect educators, teachers, students, staff, and administrators who focus on the teaching and learning of sustainable agriculture and food systems, now and well into the future!
Renew your SAEA membership today!
SAEA relies on dedicated members like YOU to support our mission of fostering meaningful connections and providing helpful resources in the Sustainable Agriculture Education field.
Your membership supports us as we put on great Conferences, update our Academic Program and Student Farm Listings, and build a sustainable agriculture Teaching Resource Library and connect with one another via social media and our list serve. Current Members will receive the membership rate at our conferences.
Renew your bi-annual membership today!
Request for Content!
We want to hear from you about what exciting projects you're working on, interesting events or workshops you've attended/are planning to attend, or powerful lessons you've come across.
We want to feature more updates from YOU in our upcoming newsletters!
You can submit content including op ed pieces, photos, lessons, and more to [log in to unmask].
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Sustainable Agriculture Educators Association · 414 Charles E. Barnhart Building · Lexington, Ky 40506 · USA