

Dear Ma'am or Sir:

Please distribute the attached Call For Chapters in PDF format for the
upcoming book, *The Marketisation of Higher Education: Policies, Practices,
and Perspectives*, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in late 2020 to
your subscribership at your earliest convenience. Please note there is an
international business component to this book effort.

*Chapter Proposal deadline is October 31, 2019*

Additional Information:


*The Marketisation of Higher Education:*

*Policies, Practices, and Perspectives*

*Publisher: *Palgrave Macmillan


Bryan Christiansen (Global Training Group, Ltd., United Kingdom)

John Branch (University of Michigan, USA)


In recent years, higher education has operated more and more like a
traditional market, with universities (and similar providers of higher
education) competing like any other ‘economic actor’. This marketisation of
higher education reflects a paradigmatic shift from a government-controlled
system of higher education in which higher education is for the public
good, to a market-based system of higher education in which higher
education is a good for the public. Indeed, it suggests a kind of
commodification in higher education.

Consequently, universities have been forced to consider that higher
education is a product which can be packaged and sold—that universities
must ‘take their wares’ to market. Indeed, adopting the simple and pithy
definition that marketing is “to go to market”, universities are now more
and more engaged in marketing…and all its associated activities, such as
segmentation, targeting, positioning, branding, pricing, promotion, and
even exporting.


The purpose of this proposed book, therefore, is to explore the nature,
scope ,and consequences of the marketisation of higher education, by 1.
enumerating the various policies for stimulating and regulating the
marketisation of higher education, 2. identifying the numerous practices
which constitute the marketisation of higher education, and 3. discussing
the different perspectives on the marketisation of higher education. The
proposed book takes a global perspective, with no single geographic focus.
Similarly, it adopts a holistic approach, examining the marketisation of
higher education along multiple dimensions, and subscribing to the notion
that the marketisation of higher education both drives, and is driven by,
the universities of which the higher education market is comprised.


The primary targets of the proposed book are scholars, students, and other
researchers whose interests are situated in and around the marketisation of
higher education, including the marketing of higher education and its
associated activities. The proposed book will also serve practitioners and
policy-makers in higher education.

Possible Chapters (Not An Exhaustive List)

·        The Changing Landscape of Higher Education

·        The Economic Realities of Higher Education

·        Higher Education as a Product

·        International Student Mobility

·        Diversity Management in Higher Education

·        University Leadership, Support, and Governance

·        Andragogy and Pedagogy in Mixed Student Environments

·        Public versus Private Universities

·        Bilateral Cooperation in Higher Education

·        Higher Education Systems in Developing versus Developed Nations

·        Academic Performance and Quality in Higher Education Institutions

·        University Ranking and Brand Equity

·        Global Competition and Pricing in Higher Education

·        Academic Freedom and Educational Responsibility

·        Engaging the International Scholarly Community

·        Job Search Success Following Graduation

·        Theoretical, Strategic, and Management Perspectives

·        Organisational Culture and Practice

Important Dates

*Chapter Proposals: Thursday, October 31, 2019*

*Chapter Submissions: Sunday, November 24, 2019*

 Authors Informed By: Sunday, January 5, 2020

 Final Chapter Submissions: Sunday, March 1, 2020

 Book Published: Late 2020


Bryan Christiansen: [log in to unmask]

John Branch: [log in to unmask]


Bryan Christiansen: [log in to unmask]


Bryan Christiansen

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