Dear Colleagues,
As a Guest Editor, I would like to invite you to submit articles
for publication in a Special Issue of Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102, indexed in Web of Science and Scopus) that will focus on entrepreneurship education. We are looking for both empirical research and conceptual articles that will
deal with experiences from different countries and the challenges facing entrepreneurship education.
Entrepreneurship is an extremely popular concept in the social and scientific discourse in recent years. Therefore, there are more and more types of "entrepreneurial" projects or strategies and programs aimed at its development.
This is due to the fact that its role is widely recognized in the private life of people and the development of society, as well as the functioning of the economy and its entities. Therefore, entrepreneurship education is perceived as a very important factor
influencing the dynamics of socio-economic development. Hence, in many countries, especially in Europe, entrepreneurship is treated as a key competence of educational systems.
Due to the fact that entrepreneurship is an ambiguous concept, variously defined on the basis of individual scientific disciplines, the starting point should be defining entrepreneurship for educational purposes and indicating
competencies that fall within the scope of entrepreneurship. A recent, comprehensive conceptual proposal in this field is the study by S. Mitchelmore and J. Rowley (2010). However, different approaches to entrepreneurship in education are adopted in individual
countries. The position and place of entrepreneurship varies in different education systems. The expected learning outcomes and the choice of teaching content and methods are also diversified. In addition, program reforms in this area are being carried out
in many countries. Changes in this area are often a big challenge for all stakeholders of the education process. Therefore, it is important to exchange research results on the effects of entrepreneurship education at different levels, from kindergarten through
primary and secondary school to the university. This can determine the best way to develop entrepreneurship education, which is of great application importance.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 January 2020
Special Issue Information:
If you think you are interested and able to contribute to this Special Issue, please respond within two weeks and also include a brief description and title of your article.
Thank you for your consideration of this invitation.
Kind regards,
Tomasz Rachwał
Guest Editor
Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management
Rector’s Proxy for Entrepreneurship
Pedagogical University of Krakow
Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland
phone +48 12 662 62 55, fax +48 12 662 62 43