

Dear Colleagues,


I am pleased to announce that Faculty of Business Administration of Université Laval is looking to recruit an outstanding candidate within the area of in Human Resource Management.


Faculty of Business Administration

With world-class programs, over a hundred professors and seasoned researchers, the Faculty of Business Administration of Université Laval (FSA ULaval) brings excellence, ethics and sustainable development together to move the business world forward. As part of a select group of business schools that hold the prestigious AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and EQUIS (European Foundation for Management Development) accreditations, FSA ULaval attracts and trains the business world elite.

Université Laval

Université Laval is a privileged living environment in the heart of Québec City. It is a large and comprehensive university recognized for its culture of excellence in teaching and research.



Application deadline: December 13th, 2019

Job starting date: June 1st, 2020


Persons interested in applying for the position are invited to submit, before December 13th, 2019 and to the following address:[log in to unmask], an application file that includes a letter of intent, a detailed resumé, course evaluations for the last two years (if applicable) and two (2) letters of reference. The evaluation committee may ask candidates for supplementary information.



Further details on the posts below can be found at:



Best wishes,






Felix Ballesteros Leiva

Professeur adjoint

Département de management

FSA – Faculté des sciences de l’administration

Université Laval

Tél : 418 656-2131, poste 409108

Pavillon Palasis-Prince

2325, Rue de la Terrasse, local 0511

Québec (Québec)  G1V 0A6


Avis relatif à la confidentialité



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