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22-25 June 2020

Bodø, Norway


Conference Theme

Sustainable International Business Strategies and Practices


Submission Deadline:  31 January 2020



Nord University is delighted to host the 29th Annual CIMaR Conference in Bodø, Norway 22-25 June 2020. The 2020 conference theme is Sustainable International Business Strategies and Practices. As the 29th conference, we will continue the tradition of combining excellent research with collegial hospitality by hosting this conference at Nord University in the beautiful area of Bodø. Bodø is located just north of the Arctic Circle and surrounded with spectacular nature, just 75 minutes by plane from Oslo. Based in Bodø, you can experience the 24-hour day-light and the midnight sun. An iconic excursion in Bodø is a RIB-Safari to Saltstraumen, the world strongest tidal current. In addition to the spectacular views and excitement of the boat-ride itself, you can get a view of the white-tailed Eagles hunting for prey (fish).


CIMaR has served as an informal and effective networking community for international marketing scholars, and new participants are always welcome. Participants originate from over 20 countries and include doctoral students. For nearly three decades, CIMaR has provided an excellent platform for both established and junior scholars to exchange ideas and form lasting research collaborations. Sessions are organized for both completed research and new project proposals that are under development.


Sustainable International Business Strategies and Practices


We are looking for contributions that can build on this theme as they address both contextual problems and conceptual frameworks and data collection issues related to international marketing. Among the contextual areas, we focus on Tourism/experience economy, small business strategies, international marketing and natural resources, global value chains, SMEs as well as large companies’ internationalisation processes, the digitalisation and international marketing.


We invite papers on all aspects of international marketing and international business, including international marketing strategy, customer relationship management, born global firms, cross-cultural consumer behaviour and international supply chains and marketing channels. Some other relevant perspectives may be business-to-business marketing (relational/transactional strategies), sales and vendor management, operations and information technology, and knowledge transfer in the global context are particularly valued. While mainstream marketing issues, such as market entry, segmentation and positioning, channel relationships and branding, are relevant, we emphasise the sustainability issue across all of the above perspectives and topics. We particularly value papers that advance our understanding along these dimensions.


Paper Submission


We invite submissions of completed manuscripts, detailed research abstracts, and special session proposals. Completed manuscripts will be considered for competitive paper sessions, and should not exceed 30 pages in length (double-spaced). Extended abstracts will be considered for research workshops, and should not exceed 4 pages in length (double-spaced). (See this helpful guide from Emerald Publishing regarding how to write an abstract.) Proposals for special sessions should focus on an emerging issue and identify prospective speakers, and should not exceed 4 pages in length (double-spaced).

All identifying information should be contained in a separate file with the names and affiliations of all authors. Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of the Journal of International Marketing and be submitted with the understanding that they are original, unpublished works and are not being reviewed elsewhere. A "Best Competitive Paper" will be selected by the CIMaR 2020 Advisory Board.

Publication Opportunities


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in digital format. Authors can choose to publish either their full manuscripts or extended abstracts in the proceedings and should indicate this preference when first submitting their work.


S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award


As in the past, the overall best conference paper will be honored with the S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award, in honor of CIMaR co-founder, Professor S. Tamer Cavusgil, Georgia State University. The winner will be announced at the conference dinner on Wednesday, 24 June 2020, and the author(s) of the best paper will receive a monetary award in the amount of $1,000 USD.




Standard Registration: 4100 NOK (appx. $450 USD / 400 EUR – depending on exchange rates)

Doctoral Student Registration: 2300 NOK (appx. $250 USD / 225 EUR – depending on exchange rates)


Registration includes a reception on Monday evening as well as lunch and dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday.




The group hotel is Scandic Havet at Tollbugata 5, 8006 Bodø, Norway (+47 75 50 38 00). Enter the booking portal here! Breakfast is included in the hotel cost. In order to take advantage of the discounted group rate of 1290 NOK per night (apprx. $140 USD / 130 EUR – depending on exchange rates), you must book your room before 22 April 2020. Please be aware that after 22 April, the nightly rate will increase to roughly 2000 NOK (apprx. $220 USD / 200 EUR – depending on exchange rates).


Important dates


·        Deadline for paper submission:  31 January 2020

·        Acceptance notification:  21 February 2020

·        Last day to register for conference:  31 March 2020

·        Deadline for booking hotel at special group rate:  22 April 2020

·        Conference dates:  22-25 June 2020


Helpful Travel Information


The 29th Annual CIMaR Conference in Bodø, Norway will officially commence on Monday, 22 June 2020. We recommend participants plan to arrive that morning or the evening before. Participants should go ahead and make travel arrangements as soon as possible. We suggest flying into Norway through either Oslo or Bergen and connecting to Bodø from there. The biggest airlines that fly into Bodø are Norwegian Air Shuttle (Norwegian) and Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). While there are multiple daily flights into Bodø, the aircrafts from Bergen are relatively small with typical maximum capacity around 50 passengers. Planning and early booking should not only offer a cost benefit, but also help alleviate additional travel challenges. Additional information about visiting Bodø can be found here.


For more Information, please contact:


Professor Frode Nilssen                                                                        Kathrine Mathisen

Conference Chair                                                                                                                  Adviser

Nord University                                                                                                      Nord University

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+47 75 51 77 01                                                                                       ​              +47 75 51 78 31


Event website:  http://cimar2020.org/


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