


International Business Pedagogy Workshops


An Offering of the National CIBER Network

Hosted by  Georgia State University’s Center for International Business Education and Research

Atlanta, Georgia


*** SAVE THE DATE: May 28 – 31, 2020 ***


Georgia State University’s Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) is pleased to announce the 2020 International Business Pedagogy Workshops, to be held May 28 – 31, 2020 at GSU’s Buckhead Center, Atlanta, Georgia.


Held since 1992 by a consortium of CIBERs (Centers of Excellence designated by the U.S. Department of Education), International Business Pedagogy Workshops have trained hundreds of business faculty from around the U.S. and other countries.


These interactive workshops are designed to expose faculty to content, pedagogy, and resources for teaching international business. Meet others passionate about teaching and interact with master teachers. Take home much inspiration and a rich bundle of teaching materials you can use in your classroom!


Plenary workshops:


Thematic workshops:


Bonus workshops:


Poster sessions allow participants to share their innovative classroom teaching practices with others. Top three selections are recognized with a monetary award. The submission deadline is due April 30, 2020. For more information, go to:


Thanks to the sponsorship of CIBERs, the early-bird registration fee is $699 and covers most meals, coffee breaks, and teaching resources. Application deadline for early bird admission is: April 30, 2020. Several faculty fellowships are available, reducing the registration fee to $400. The deadline for faculty fellowships is due April 1, 2020. For complete description, cost, and registration information, please visit: or send an email to: Hannah Tripp, Managing Director, GSU CIBER, [log in to unmask].


Early arriving participants may enjoy several cultural experiences in Atlanta, including The World of Coca-Cola and the world-renowned Georgia Aquarium.


The International Business Pedagogy Workshops are a project of the Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Consortium, hosted by GSU-CIBER and sponsored by CIBERs at Florida International University, George Washington University, Indiana University, Loyola Marymount University, Temple University, Texas A&M University, University of Colorado-Denver, University of Mar

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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