

Dear colleagues,

on behalf of the organizing committee, it is a pleasure to announce
the *IV International
Conference on Tourism Dynamics and Trends (ICTDT2019) *which will be held
in Rome (Italy), at University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza, October 22-24

For further information and updates, please visit:
* <>*

The International Conference is organized in collaboration with five

   - University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza (Italy)
   - Akdeniz University (Turkey)
   - University of Sannio (Italy)
   - University of Seville (Spain)
   - Swansea University (UK)

*Important Deadlines*
Abstract/full paper submission: September 6, 2019
Notification of abstract acceptance: September 20, 2019
Early registration: September 30, 2019
Regular registration: October 1, 2019

*Registration fee*
Early Bird: 100 €
Normal Rate: 150 €
Students Early/Normal: 50 € / 80 €

*Related interest areas include, but are not limited to:*

*Management and Technology area:*

   - Digital marketing for tourism and hospitality
   - Digital tourism innovation
   - Internet of things and tourism
   - Artificial intelligence, Augmented reality and tourism
   - Digital transformation and new business models in tourism and
   - Industry 4.0 in tourism and hospitality

*Statistical sciences section:*

   - Big data for tourism and hospitality
   - Qualitative and quantitative analytics for tourism and hospitality
   - Block chain and tourism

*Socio-Economic and Environmental area:*

   - Sustainability and tourism
   - Gender and social sustainability in tourism
   - Tourism behavior and sustainability
   - Ecotourism
   - Tourism behavior and digital transformation
   - Social change and tourism

*Legal Issues and Regulations area:*

   - Human rights and hospitality industry
   - Law, citizen’s right, regulations for the travel and tourism industry

We warmly invite you to attend the Conference and to submit an abstract or
full paper.

Welcome to Rome in October!

On Behalf of the Organizing Committee
*Letizia Lo Presti*


Letizia Lo Presti, PhD

Assistant professor in Marketing

Research Associate in Marketing Management

University of Rome "Unitelma Sapienza"

Department of Law and Economics

Viale Regina Elena, 295 - 00161 Roma

Email: *[log in to unmask]
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