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Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to announce that Applied Psychology: An International Review has just published the newly edited virtual issue on Meta Analyses and Reviews with Free Access until September 15th, 2019. Enjoy reading the meta analyses and review articles on recent exciting topics in applied psychology!

Applied Psychology: An International Review Virtual Issue: Meta Analyses and Reviews 

Table of Contents

Culture, Burnout and Engagement: A Meta‐Analysis on National Cultural Values as Moderators in JD‐R Theory

Lucy T. B. Rattrie Markus G. Kittler Karsten I. Paul

The Resilient Organisation: A Meta‐Analysis of the Effect of Communication on Team Diversity and Team Performance

Hong Bui Vinh Sum Chau Marta Degl'Innocenti Ludovica Leone Francesca Vicentini

Resilience in the Workplace: A Multilevel Review and Synthesis

Silja Hartmann Matthias Weiss Alexander Newman Martin Hoegl

Psychological Research on Organisational Democracy: A Meta‐Analysis of Individual, Organisational, and Societal Outcomes

Wolfgang G. Weber Christine Unterrainer Thomas Höge

A Meta‐Analytic Review of Paternalistic Leadership

Akanksha Bedi

Half a Century of Work–Nonwork Interface Research: A Review and Taxonomy of Terminologies

Mina Beigi Melika Shirmohammadi Lilian Otaye‐Ebede

Prime and Prejudice

Kayla Sergent Alexander D. Stajkovic

The Importance of Definitional and Temporal Issues in the Study of Resilience

David M. Fisher Jennifer M. Ragsdale Emily C.S. Fisher

Values at Work: The Impact of Personal Values in Organisations

Sharon Arieli Lilach Sagiv Sonia Roccas

Qualitative Research on Work–Family in the Management Field: A Review

Mina Beigi Melika Shirmohammadi

Leading to Stimulate Employees' Ideas: A Quantitative Review of Leader–Member Exchange, Employee Voice, Creativity, and Innovative Behavior

Joel B. Carnevale Lei Huang Marcus Crede Peter Harms Mary Uhl‐Bien

Tomoki Sekiguchi

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Applied Psychology: An International Review
Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Management
Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, JAPAN
TEL: +81-75-753-3470 / FAX: +81-75-753-3492
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