Dear Colleagues,
The submission deadline for the Australia and New Zealand International Business (ANZIBA) 2020 conference has been extended until 20 September.

A Paper Development Workshop (PDW) and Research Student Colloquium will also be held on 17 February 2020. Please see key dates below. For further details, please visit the conference website. 

Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA)
Conference Dates:      17-19 February 2020
Location:                      Sydney, Australia
Host Institution:        University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Keynote Speaker:       Professor Paul Beamish
                                      Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Conference website:   


Key Dates:

Submission deadline for paperand panel proposals: 20 September 2019
Submission deadline for Research Student Colloquium: 15 November 2019
Submission deadline for Paper Development Workshop22 November 2019

Local OrganisinCommittee:

Hussain Rammal
University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Moira Scerri
University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Sid Gray
University of Sydney



Dr. Hussain G. Rammal
Associate Professor - International Business & Strategy
Director - Master of Business Administration (MBA) program
Coordinator - Bachelor of Business -International Business
University of Technology Sydney
T. +61 (02) 9514 3246
PO Box 123. Broadway NSW 2007 Australia​​
Editor: Emerging Issues in International Business and Global Strategy book series (World Scientific)
Co-Editor: Review of International Business and Strategy (Emerald publishing)
Twitter: @HussainRammal

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