Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share the first edition of the Journal of World Business (JWB) Newsletter! You can check it out at:
We hope to keep our community updated on the various events and important things that are happening at the JWB.
One of the most recent milestones regards our new Cite Score that jumped from 4.38 in 2017 to 6.34 in 2018. This is just one of the many indicators that demonstrate the continued upward trajectory of JWB. Thank you to our current and past
editor team, authors, and reviewers who helped bring JWB to the level where it stands today.
As we continue on our upwards trajectory we look forward to your continued support!
Best regards,
Vittoria G. Scalera |
Assistant Professor | International Strategy & Marketing | Amsterdam Business School |
University of Amsterdam | Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam
- The Netherlands | Room M2.19 |
T. +31 20 525 5386 | E. [log in to unmask]
| W.
John H. Dunning Visiting Fellow | John H Dunning Centre for International
Business | Henley Business School | University of Reading |
Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6UD - UK
Social Media Coordinator
Journal of World Business | Facebook:
| Twitter: @JWBNews
| LinkedIn: JWBGroup
Secretary/Treasurer |
Academy of International Business (AIB) Western Europe