Dear Colleagues
I’m pleased to share a new virtual issue on
Cross-cultural studies in Applied Psychology.
Explore a collection of freely available research from Applied Psychology: An International Review (IF 3.265)
on the theme of culture and organizational psychology, in support of the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. The papers are freely available online until 31st July 2019. They cover topics from workplace relationships, entrepreneurship,
personnel selection to academic faking from a cross-cultural perspective.
Workplace relationships and outcomes
Invited commentaries on ‘Values at Work’
Putting Values into Context,
Peter B. Smith
· What
Is the Practical Utility of Value Research for Organisational Practitioners in a Global Context?
Ronald Fischer
· Setting the Foundations for Theoretical
Progress toward Understanding the Role of Values in Organisational Behaviour,
Gregory R. Maio,
Paul H.P. Hanel,
Robin Martin,
Allan Lee,
Geoff Thomas
Personnel selection
Academic faking
Cultural studies
About Applied Psychology
Applied Psychology: An International review (AP:IR)
is the official journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology. AP:IR publishes research across the field of applied psychology, often across national and cultural contexts.
AP:IR’s impact factor is 3.265 (2-year) and 3.531 (5-year, 2018 Journal Citation Reports(r), Thomson Reuters, 2018). It is ranked ‘3’ on the UK Chartered Association of Business
Schools Academic Journal Guide 2018 (ABS list), ‘A’ on the Australian Business Dean’s Council Journal Quality List 2016 (ABDC list), ‘3’ on the French CNRS list, and ‘B’ on the German VHB-JOURQUAL 3.
Other recent virtual and special issues include: Entrepreneurship (
and Research Participant Carelessness (
Kind regards
Professor Ute Stephan
King’s College London | King’s Business School
Bush House, 30 Aldwych, London WC2B 4BG, United Kingdom | +44 207 848 09 07 |
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Editor-in-Chief Applied
Psychology: An International Review
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Honorary Professor Aston Business School & University College London
Personal Website |
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Research Gate
Latest research:
The role of TIME in Entrepreneurship research (ETP)
Review, Entrepreneurs’ Mental Health and Well-Being (AMP)
Recovery, Age and Creativity among Entrepreneurs (JBV)
in Emerging Markets (Oxford Handbook)
Measuring Entrepreneurial Success (IEMJ)