Allen Neighborhood Center at the Hunter Park GardenHouse are hosting a work party in Edible Park on Saturday, June 22 from 10 AM to 12 PM.

Edible Park Garden is a project of Allen Neighborhood Center's Youth Service Corps. Youth are involved in all parts of the growing process, and all produce grown is free for the public to harvest. We just need help cleaning it up to get it ready for the public! We are looking for volunteers to help us plant, weed, and beautify our community garden space.

Would you mind sharing this information with SAFS and EFFS groups at MSU?

Volunteers should sign up by emailing me at [log in to unmask] or at

Here is a link to our Facebook event we would love for you to share as well!

We hope to see you there! Please let me know if I can answer any questions.

Thank you,

Selin Sergin

Nutritional Sciences
Michigan State University, 2022
(606) 872-0654 | [log in to unmask]