Africa’s Sustainable Development:
Inclusive Trade and FDI not Aid
August 4-7, 2019
Host Institution:
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Conference Venue: Fiesta Royale Hotel, Accra
Submission Deadline Extended to June 15th, 2019
Call for Papers: The 2019 AIB Africa Conference
Over the last decade, the narrative on economies in the African continent has fluctuated between rising and falling. Yet, together with certain economies in Asia, countries like Ghana, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique, boast of having the fastest economic growth rates in 2017. In spite of these marginal increases, the continent still suffers from a majority of its countries growing slowly and negatively in extreme cases. This conundrum about Africa’s economic prospects has generated growing interests in Africa among scholars, policy makers and business executives.
After years of research and policy discussions on the key determinants of the economic prosperity of Africa, arguments continue to be made that Africa needs development aid from overseas to pay for its budget deficits. However, an emerging contention is that Africa must move beyond aid if it is to sustainably transform its economy. Proponents of the post-aid Africa argue that heavy reliance on such aid weakens and delays the sustainable development of African economies. Some have argued that fair global trade regulations, increased activities of African and non-African multinational enterprises in Africa, and government-led innovation policies that emphasize outward looking of African businesses present an alternative route to Africa’s economic transformation.
The optimism about the sustainability of Africa’s economic fortune has also generated significant and growing scholarly interests on the continent, with special issues on Africa published in, or planned for, in leading scholarly journals: Global Strategy Journal, European Business Review, Thunderbird International Business Review, Critical Perspectives on International Business, Journal of Business Ethics, International Marketing Review, among others. Yet, ongoing debates from different disciplinary perspectives on the sustainable development of Africa do not seem to engage with one another. Indeed, the role of multinational enterprises and international business in economic development and new wealth creation in Africa remains contentious. Hence, there is a need for African scholars and scholars with interest in Africa to begin a new dialogue on Africa’s sustainable economic development in a post-aid environment.
The ongoing debate on post-aid Africa and the growing call on world trade institutions to promulgate fair international trade regulations informed our decision to focus this years’ conference on scholarly discussion on how increased international trade, and more broadly business in general, can trigger the sustainable development of Africa. We situate this topic in the broader debate on sustainable development, poverty alleviation and the need for inclusive trade and FDI over aid, especially as it pertains to intra-African trade and investment. We seek to contribute to the sustainability discourse by bringing in internationalizing African firms, foreign multinationals, developmental agencies like the World Bank and Africa’s regional economic blocs to chart new approaches to Africa’s sustainable development. We also engage with firm-level discourses to interrogate how African and foreign multinationals can remain sustainable, while proactively engaging in business that seeks to align with the continent’s sustainable development goals.
There’s perhaps no better place on the continent to begin this new conversation on Africa’s sustainable economic development than Ghana, a pioneer in Africa’s emancipation fights. Leaders in Ghana have taken a bold step to initiate debates on how Africa can sustain its economic development and growth without foreign aid, and it is refreshing that scholarly discussion on this topic is going to be held in Ghana. Our 2019 conference will bring together scholars, students, policy makers, development agencies and business executives committed to Africa’s sustainable development.
We welcome submissions that address wider international business and management agenda and geographical contexts, including conceptual and empirical papers, as well as teaching case studies and panel symposia from scholars, business professionals, policy makers and students. |
As in previous years, we welcome submissions that go beyond the conference theme and encompass all major areas of international business and management, including:
Tracks |
Track Chair |
Institution |
IB Theory, FDI & Entry Mode Strategies |
Dr. Thomas Anning-Dorson |
University of Ghana, Ghana |
International Marketing & Entrepreneurship |
Dr. Michael Ngoasong |
Open University, UK |
Global CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance |
Dr. Peta Thomas |
University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Business History, Economic History, and International Business |
Dr Simeon Ifere |
University of Lagos, Nigeia |
Tourism, Agriculture, Renewable Energy & Industry Studies |
Dr. Adun Okupe |
Lagos Business School, Nigeria |
Global Value Chains, Supply Chains & Africa’s Competitiveness |
Dr. George Acheampong |
University of Ghana, Ghana |
Governments, NGOs, Global Institutions & State-Owned Enterprises |
Dr. James Mshelia |
University of Northampton, UK |
International HRM, Cross-Cultural Management & Leadership |
Dr. Raphael Oseghale |
Swansea University, UK |
International Accounting, Economics & Finance |
Dr. Nacasius U. Ujah |
South Dakota State University, USA |
Undergraduate, Graduate & Doctoral Studies |
Dr. Martin Kang'ethe |
Riara University, Kenya |
Teaching International Business & Cases |
Dr. David Wernick |
Florida International University, USA |
General Track including Business History Economic History and international Business |
Mr. Ibn Kailan Abdul-Hamid |
University of Professional Studies, Ghana |
Conference Theme Track |
Dr. Obi Damoah |
University of Ghana, Ghana
Special Tracks
Panel Session on Sustaining Africa’s Development without Foreign Aid
We will have a special panel session focused on ‘Sustaining Africa’s Development without Foreign Aid’. The goal here is to open scholarly discussion on how internationalizing African businesses and foreign multinationals in Africa can help sustain Africa’s development and competitiveness in an aidless African economy. This panel session will be led by a leading scholar in international business development, with panellists from government, development agencies, civil society organizations, industry associations, business executives and academia.
Teaching Cases in International Business Track
This track seeks competitive and interactive teaching case submissions. Only real-life cases that address international business issues are invited. Cases can be field-researched or based on published sources, decision-oriented or descriptive. We also welcome cases that have recently (post-2013) been registered in case clearing houses such as The Case Centre.
We look forward to submissions – interactive and competitive papers and cases – from graduate (Masters) students, particularly those pursuing MBA/MSc/MPhil degrees in international business or related disciplines.
Panel Sessions
The conference will feature several panels, symposia, ‘scholars meet practice’ sessions and mini-workshops. We welcome proposals that address the conference theme as well as other topical issues.
Submission Guidelines
Following the AIB “rule of three”, no author should be associated with more than 3 submissions.
Competitive papers must not exceed 10,000 words, and must comply to the JIBS style requirements; Please refer to
Interactive papers should be around 2,000 – 5,000 words. Submissions should clearly state the research questions, methodology and contribution. The main results and implications for IB research and practice should be discussed, if available/applicable.
Teaching cases should be around 2,000 – 5,000 for interactive/‘embryo’ cases and no more than 10,000 words for competitive cases.
Panel proposals should have 3 – 5 scholars and/or students and a common theme, as well as a chair/discussant. We welcome a variety of proposals (paper presentations, roundtable, and professional development workshop). The names of participants and the discussant should be disclosed for this type of submission.
Competitive papers, interactive papers and teaching cases will be double-blind reviewed; please do not include any author-identifying information. Authors are strongly encouraged to assist in the review process. Papers can be submitted via
Please state the submission type (competitive, interactive or panel) and track title on the front page at the top right. In addition, graduate (GS)/undergraduate students (US), please indicate ‘GS’, or ‘US’.
Pre-Conference Workshops
In line with the Africa chapter’s goal to promote research excellence and improve the quality of IB research in the region, distinguished IB scholars will be leading mini-workshops on Theory Development, Paper Development and Doctoral Consortium. Those new to the field of international business are particularly encouraged to attend the workshops.
Theory Development Workshop
This workshop seeks to examine IB theory in the context of Africa with the view towards extending and elaborating it to accommodate the distinctive features of Africa and increase its explanatory power to IB in Africa. IB theories have been developed and tested in the context of developed countries. In more recent years they have been extended to emerging markets, but less attention has been given to Africa. Africa differs in many ways from other emerging markets and regions. Notwithstanding the enormous inter-regional heterogeneity, there are many attributes that tie the region together but set it apart from other emerging market regions, and require specific theoretical attention. This workshop is designed to begin to fill in this need.
Workshop format: Interested scholars are asked to submit a one-page summary that states a specific IB theory they wish to discuss. Eligible theories include all the major IB theories (broadly defined), but the intention is to be focused on IB theories pertinent to Africa. Reference can be made to specific sub-regions/countries within Africa. The workshop will be led by Lilac Nachum. Submissions should be sent to [log in to unmask] and include the workshop title as the subject and the following:
· What characteristics of Africa might constrain the applicability of the theory to Africa?
· What extensions/modifications of the theory might be needed to accommodate them?
Paper Development Workshop
The Paper Development Workshop (PDW) is the most extensive of the various developmental activities conducted by the AIB Africa, with the goal to improve the quality of IB research and bring new scholars into the IB field. The PDW will provide doctoral scholars, junior faculty, and those trained in disciplines less commonly associated with the field of IB, with developmental feedback on their current research projects in the broader field of IB. Authors of papers being considered for inclusion in the special issues associated with the 2019 conference (International Journal of Emerging Markets, Journal of African Business, European Journal of International Management, Africa Journal of Management and Review of Development Finance and AIB-SSA Palgrave Macmillan Book) are encouraged to participate in this workshop. The PDW will be structured to provide feedback to authors with research papers, and to researchers who are designing empirical studies, on IB topics.
Workshop format: The program will start with an introductory session led by Professor Elizabeth Rose from the University of Leeds, UK. The participants will then be divided into groups based on their topic areas. After a lunch break, all participants will split into small-group sessions with workshop leaders to discuss successful publication strategies. Participation at the PDW is limited. Hence, participants will be invited based on the quality of their submitted work. Submissions should be sent to [log in to unmask] and include the workshop title as the subject
We are expecting two types of submissions:
Full, competitive research papers – Should not be more than 10,000 words in length.
Interactive papers - Should be no more than 3,000 words in length and include a theoretical framework, propositions, and proposed research design.
Participants can only make one submission, and this can be the same paper submitted to the main AIB-Africa conference programme.
Doctoral Consortium
The aim of the doctoral consortium is to develop the research ideas of doctoral students especially as it pertains to conducting international business research on the continent. The consortium also aims to create a platform for the development of professional networks and to highlight some of the opportunities and challenges of developing a successful academic career.
Workshop format: Interested doctoral students must have successfully defended their proposals and are asked to submit a four-paged double spaced document detailing their research. Only completed dissertations will be considered for the doctoral award. Submissions should be sent to [log in to unmask] and include the workshop title as the subject and the following:
Networking & Experiential Learning Journey
Network and develop collaborative opportunities with international scholars, business executives and students at the welcome reception, gala dinner, and field visits to some of the leading local players and multinational enterprises based in Ghana.
Community Engagement & Field Visits – August 3rd, 2019
Participants to the 2019 conferences are encouraged to arrive in Accra earlier on August 2nd 2019 to get involved in community engagement and field visit activities on August 3rd, 2019. The host University, KNUST, is sponsoring visits to MNEs, historical monuments and landmarks in Ghana. Visits are being planned to the famous Manhyia Palace in Kumasi (with opportunity to meet and interact with the King of Ashanti Kingdom and the Manhyia Museum). For those interested in the history of slavery in Sub-Saharan Africa, visits are planned to Cape Coast Castle and/or Elmina Castle, which are some/two of the largest forty slave castles built in the Gold Coast (now Ghana) by European traders. For admirers of nature, a trip is planned to Boti Falls, which is a beautiful twin waterfall located at Boti in Manya Krobo in the Eastern Region of Ghana. KNUST plans to provide air-conditioned buses to safely transport participants to these three exciting places. Registration details for participation in these events would advertised on the conference website in due course.
Conference Awards
Several prizes will be awarded at the conference:
— Best Competitive Paper Award, Best Thematic Conference Paper Award
— Best Teaching Case Award, Best Conference Paper Prize for Practice / Policy Implications Award
— Best Doctoral Paper Award, Best Undergraduate / Graduate Student Paper Award
Publication Opportunities
— All accepted conference papers will be published as an abstract in the 2019 AIB-Africa Conference Proceedings (with ISBN).
— A selection of papers that are aligned with the conference theme may be considered for inclusion in the AIB Africa Series published by Palgrave Macmillan.
— Authors of promising, competitive papers will be supported to submit to Africa-focused special issues of high-impact journals, including International Journal of Emerging Markets, Journal of African Business, European Journal of International Management, Africa Journal of Management and Review of Development Finance.
Registration Fees
The registration fees (in US Dollars) includes conference materials, refreshments and lunches, but not accommodation and travel costs.
Early Bird (by June 24) |
Late Registration (from July 7) |
AIB Members |
$200 |
$250 |
Full-time Students |
$120 |
$170 |
AIB Non-members (Rates include a one-year membership to the AIB) |
Student membership |
$170 |
$220 |
Electronic membership |
$225 |
$275 |
Low-Income membership |
$250 |
$300 |
Regular membership |
$300 |
$350 |
Accompanying Partners |
$100 |
$100 |
The chapter will waive registration fees for a limited number of delegates, with priority given to students studying on the continent. Details on how to apply will be provided later.
The venue for the conference is La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, which is about 15 to 20 minute drive from Kotoka International Airport in Accra. Additional information on the conference hotel are available here:
Other details regarding accommodation, registration payment, keynote speakers, experiential learning trips and the conference programme will be provided on the chapter webs