


Dear Colleagues


I invite you to submit to International Journal of Export Marketing (IJEXPORTM) some reasonable papers as the accreditation process of IJEXPORTM to the Emerging list of web of science has started. With the completion of the first two issues of 2019 (V.3 N.1 and V.3 N.2) the IJEXPORTM will be able to join the Emerging list. Therefore, I hope that some of you will respond positively to this request.


Meanwhile, IJEXPORTM has announced two Special Issues:


a)       Special issue based on the 6th Annual Conference of AIB CEE Chapter 2019:


b)      Special issue based on International Business, Export Marketing and Tourism Track at ENEFA 2019:


IJEXPORTM is a rigorous and peer reviewed journal and it appoints 3 reviewers for each manuscript so that to improve the quality of  each paper.



Best regards


Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (Fellow EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)

Professor of Innovation Management (Associate)

School of Economics of and Business Administration

University of Tartus

Tartu, Estonia

Email: [log in to unmask]

Mob: +37258339575 or +35796572295

Researchgate’s web page:

Google Scholar Citations:

Co-Chair of Int. Marketing Track at Academy of Marketing Conference 2019, 2-4 July, London, UK.

Chair of Int. Business, Export Marketing & Tourism Track, ENEFA 2019, 6-9/11, Uni. De La Frontera, Chile.

Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing      

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2nd Nordic IB & EM Conference 2020, 24-26 August, at DELTA Building, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia:

Conference Link for submissions:

Conference website:

Conference email: [log in to unmask]

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