15th Vaasa Conference on International Business

Innovative international business strategies in a digitalized world

August 19-21, 2019, University of Vaasa, Finland


Submission now open


The conference consists of two plenary and about 25 focused sessions related to various fields of international business such as strategy, marketing and human resource management. We encourage people to send conceptual and empirical paper proposals based on single or multiple cases, single or cross-country samples, traditional but especially on mixed and longitudinal methods and data. The conference board consists of several internationally recognized professors like P. Ghauri, J.-F. Hennart, L. Leonidou, S. Schmid, A. Schuh, S. Marinova, A. Zucchella and I. Alon.


An international doctoral tutorial where 25-30 conference board members and other IB faculty members will discuss the doctoral students´ proposals is organized on August 19th preceding the conference.


Best conference and tutorial paper awards will be granted. From the planned session, awards and planned publications, kindly see the more detailed conference information on www-pages: https://www.univaasa.fi/en/sites/ibconference/


April 15, 2019               Submission has been opened

June 7th , 2019    Extended submission deadline: conference and doctoral tutoria papers

June 20, 2019                Decision notification

July 20th, 2019            Early-bird registration deadline

August 5, 2019             Revised submission deadline

August 19-21, 2019       15th Vaasa IB Conference

Question and further information, please contact email: [log in to unmask].


We look forward to receiving your submissions soon and to hosting you in Vaasa.

Prof. Jorma Larimo Conference chair, University of Vaasa, Finland ([log in to unmask])






Jorma Larimo

Professori, kansainvälinen markkinointi/Professor, International Marketing

Markkinoinnin ja viestinnän akateeminen yksikkö/ School of Marketing and Communication

Vaasan yliopisto / University of Vaasa

[log in to unmask]

Tel. +358 29 449 8464

Address: PL 700 / P.O. Box 700, FI-65101 Vaasa, Finland


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