Dear Colleagues,


The Department of Strategy & International Business, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham is delighted to host its Annual Responsible Research Methods Symposium on the 7th June 2019.


This event, in collaboration with the Academy of International Business Research Methods – Shared Interest Group, is designed to provide a forum for the discussion of various methodological issues and the dissemination of best practice in the field. The symposium will bring together leading research methodologists to explore state of the art approaches to data collection and analysis, and promote the adoption of trustworthy, valid and rigorous approaches to ‘doing’ research.


Keynotes: Prof. William Greene (New York University, USA); Prof. Catherine Welch (University of Sydney, Australia)

Speakers: Prof. Pervez Ghauri (University of Birmingham, UK); Prof. Mark Saunders (University of Birmingham, UK); Prof. Susanne Tietze (Sheffield Hallam University, UK);

Dr Roberta Aguzzoli (Durham University, UK); Dr Hanna Gajewska-De Mattos (University of Leeds, UK)

Organising Committee: Dr Agnieszka Chidlow (Founder & Chair); Dr Maria Karafyllia (Chair); Dr Emma Gardner (Chair); Ms Diletta Pegoraro (Chair)


If you would like to join us for this event, please email [log in to unmask] to register.






09:30 – 10:00

University House

Main Entrance


Morning Refreshments: Coffee/Tea (1)


10:00 – 11:00

Room: G08

Opening Keynote


Convincing research based on credible design and competent execution


Professor William Greene

New York University (USA)


11:00 – 11:30

Room: 103

Coffee/Tea Break (2)

11:30 – 12:45

Room: G08

Special Session: Theme (1)


How many is enough? Reporting and justifying sample size in qualitative interviews


Professor Mark Saunders

University of Birmingham (UK)


11:30 – 12:45

Room: G07

Special Session: Theme (2)


Cross-country data collection: Reflection and perspectives


Dr Roberta Aguzzoli

Durham University (UK)


11:30 – 12:45

Room: G06

Special Session: Theme (3)


Foreignization strategies in written research accounts: English, languages and translation perspectives


Professor Susanne Tietze

Sheffield Hallam University (UK)


11:30 – 12:45

Room: G03

Special Session: Theme (4)


The meaning of context in qualitative research


Dr Hanna Gajewska-De Mattos

University of Leeds (UK)


12:45 – 13:45

Room: 103




Kind regards,



Dr Maria Karafyllia

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Strategy & International Business

PGR Departmental Lead

Department of Strategy & International Business

Birmingham Business School

University of Birmingham

University House, Room 235

Edgbaston, Birmingham, U.K. 

B15 2TY


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