

     The latest issue of Human Resource Management Review (HRMR) has been published online at


     In this issue you will find a great set of articles on a wide range of topics and an editorial clarifying what is required to make a conceptual contribution at HRMR and highlighting the different types of conceptual contribution appropriate for HRMR, with suggestions and exemplar articles for each.


     Send your conceptual/theoretical work to HRMR, and look to HRMR to inform your research and teaching – it’s a great source for critical reviews, new or extended theories, models, frameworks, insights, research needs, and cutting edge thinking on the full range of HR and related topics.  Regards, -Howard


Cover Image Human Resource Management Review 

Human Resource Management Review

Conceptual Development for Future Research
Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 299-446, September 2019





Making a conceptual contribution at Human Resource Management Review
Howard J. Klein, Denise Potosky


Research Articles


Creating comprehensive leadership pipelines: Applying the real options approach to organizational leadership development
Jennifer A. Griffith, John E. Baur, M. Ronald Buckley


Institutional theory and HRM: A new look
Alexander C. Lewis, Robert L. Cardy, Lulu S.R. Huang


Human Resource Management and the ability, motivation and opportunity to continue working: A review of quantitative studies
Karen Pak, Dorien T.A.M. Kooij, Annet H. De Lange, Marc J.P.M. Van Veldhoven


Organizational career management practices and objective career success: A systematic review and framework
Silvia Bagdadli, Martina Gianecchini


Whistle while you work? A review of the effects of music in the workplace
Karen Landay, P.D. Harms


A framework for understanding the effects of past experiences on justice expectations and perceptions of human resource inclusion practices
Samantha L. Jordan, Gerald R. Ferris, Bruce T. Lamont


The impact of disability-assistance animals on the psychological health of workplaces: A systematic review
Caitlin Hunter, Martie-Louise Verreynne, Nancy Pachana, Paul Harpur


Leader support for gender equity: Understanding prosocial goal orientation, leadership motivation, and power sharing
Manuel London, Julia B. Bear, Lily Cushenbery, Gary D. Sherman


The emotional context of disclosing a concealable stigmatized identity: A conceptual model
Robyn A. Berkley, Roxanne Beard, Catherine S. Daus


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Howard J. Klein, Ph.D. 

Professor of Management and Human Resources 

Editor-in-Chief, Human Resource Management Review

2100 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH  43210-1144 

Office: (614) 292-0719 / Fax: (614) 292-7062 

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