The latest issue of Human Resource Management Review (HRMR) has been published online at In this issue you will find a great set of articles on a wide range of topics and an editorial clarifying what is required to make a conceptual contribution at HRMR and highlighting the different types of conceptual contribution appropriate for HRMR, with suggestions and exemplar articles for each. Send your conceptual/theoretical work to HRMR, and look to HRMR to inform your research and teaching – it’s a great source for critical reviews, new or extended theories, models, frameworks, insights, research needs, and cutting edge thinking on the full range of HR and related topics. Regards, -Howard [Cover Image Human Resource Management Review] Human Resource Management Review<> Conceptual Development for Future Research Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 299-446, September 2019<> Editorial Making a conceptual contribution at Human Resource Management Review <> Howard J. Klein, Denise Potosky Research Articles Creating comprehensive leadership pipelines: Applying the real options approach to organizational leadership development <> Jennifer A. Griffith, John E. Baur, M. Ronald Buckley Institutional theory and HRM: A new look <> Alexander C. Lewis, Robert L. Cardy, Lulu S.R. Huang Human Resource Management and the ability, motivation and opportunity to continue working: A review of quantitative studies <> Karen Pak, Dorien T.A.M. Kooij, Annet H. De Lange, Marc J.P.M. Van Veldhoven Organizational career management practices and objective career success: A systematic review and framework <> Silvia Bagdadli, Martina Gianecchini Whistle while you work? A review of the effects of music in the workplace <> Karen Landay, P.D. Harms A framework for understanding the effects of past experiences on justice expectations and perceptions of human resource inclusion practices <> Samantha L. Jordan, Gerald R. Ferris, Bruce T. Lamont The impact of disability-assistance animals on the psychological health of workplaces: A systematic review <> Caitlin Hunter, Martie-Louise Verreynne, Nancy Pachana, Paul Harpur Leader support for gender equity: Understanding prosocial goal orientation, leadership motivation, and power sharing <> Manuel London, Julia B. Bear, Lily Cushenbery, Gary D. Sherman The emotional context of disclosing a concealable stigmatized identity: A conceptual model <> Robyn A. Berkley, Roxanne Beard, Catherine S. Daus [signature_1573698545] Howard J. Klein, Ph.D. Professor of Management and Human Resources Editor-in-Chief, Human Resource Management Review<> 2100 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1144 Office: (614) 292-0719 / Fax: (614) 292-7062 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.