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British Academy of Management 

Brunel Business School, UK

May 30th, 2019: 10am - 3.30pm

Workshop on Crafting the CfPs, Managing the Editorial Process, and Handling R&Rs

Workshop Convenors:

Prof. Shlomo Tarba, University of Birmingham, UK
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Dr. Mohammad Ahammad, Leeds University, UK
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Prof. Yehuda Baruch, Southampton University, UK
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Workshop Coordinators: 

Dr David Sarpong, Brunel University, UK 
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Prof. Ashley Braganza, Brunel University, UK 
Email: Dr Ashley Braganza

Professor Catherine Wang, Brunel University, UK 
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From the other side of the barricade: The guest editorial perspective on how to publish in top journals

Crafting the CfPs, Managing the Editorial Process, and Handling R&Rs

This workshop is open to doctoral students, ECRs as well as more established researchers. 
The aim is to help you a) Publish in top tier journals b) develop the skill of crafting competitive call for papers that maximise your chances of acceptance and receiving high quality submissions c) Managing the often complex guest editorial process.

10am – 12.30pm
-Crafting the CfPs of the special issue for the scholarly and executive-oriented journals
-On the coalface of guest-editing
-Managing the process - Case studies from Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of World Business, British Journal of Management, California Management Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Technological Forecasting & Social Change.

Building on this, the first half of the workshop will be devoted to writing CfPs. 
We shall provide guidance on selecting special issue topics and how to approach Editors with SI ideas.
You will also have an opportunity to discuss your SI proposal and get feedback on its development. 

12.30-1.30 Lunch

How to publish in top journals
• The R&R case study of the conceptual paper in Journal of Management
• The R&R case study of the empirical paper in British Journal of Management
• The R&R case study of the empirical paper in International Business Review

By the end of the workshop, you should have a draft of your SI call for paper which has successfully addressed the key areas/bullet points above and which has ‘sketched out’ key sections. 

Biographical notes:

Professor Shlomo Y. Tarba is Chair (Full Professor) and former Head of Department of Strategy & International Business at the Business School, University of Birmingham, UK. He received his PhD in Strategic Management from Ben-Gurion University and Master's in Biotechnology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. His research interests include cross-border mergers and acquisitions resilience, agility, and organizational ambidexterity. Professor Tarba is a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, and International Business Review. He has served as a guest-editor for the special issues at Journal of Organizational Behavior, British Journal of Management, California Management Review, International Business Review, Management International Review, R&D Management, and others. His research papers are published/forthcoming in journals such as Journal of Management (SAGE), Academy of Management Perspectives, Human Relations, Human Resource Management (US, Wiley), Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Business Review, Long Range Planning, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Production & Economics, International Marketing Review, and others. One of his papers has been selected and published in Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management (USA) in 2006.

Dr Mohammad Faisal Ahammad is Associate Professor of International Business at Centre for International Business (CIBUL), Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK. Dr. Ahammad is an active researcher in the field of international business, particularly in the area of cross-border mergers and acquisitions. His work has appeared in the British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management (USA), Group & Organisation Management, International Journal of HRM, Regional Studies, and others. Dr. Ahammad is a member of the editorial board of British Journal of Management and Journal of Knowledge Management. He served as the lead guest editor for the special issues at International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, Thunderbird International Business Review, and International Studies in Management & Organisation. Dr Ahammad also served as co-guest editor for the special issues at Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Applied Psychology: An International Review. The paper by Ahammad et al (2017) “Encouraging Environmental Sustainability through Gender” has been selected as the top 3 papers at Journal of Organisation Behaviour (Wiley). Dr. Ahammad also won the "IBR 2016 Best paper Award" for his paper "Knowledge Transfer and Cross-Border Acquisition Performance - The impact of cultural distance and employee retention" published in International Business Review. 

Professor Yehuda Baruch (DSc Technion, Israel) is Professor of Management at Southampton Business School, UK and Affiliated Professor at Audencia Business School, France. He published over 140 papers in academic refereed journals, including Journal of Management, Academy of Management Annals, and over 45 books and book chapters. His work is highly appreciated by the community, as evidence from over 17,000 citations. He had accumulated a considerable experience and manifested excellence in his editorial work. His first Editorial appointment was as Associate Editor, Journal of Managerial Psychology (2002-2005), followed by selection as Editor, Career Development International (2004-2007). He won the 2007/8 Leading Editor Award by Emerald. Next he was the first non-US Editor of Group & Organization Management (2007-2011). Since 2014 Professor Baruch is the Associate Editor of the US journal Human Resource Management (FT List, CNRS CAT 2, ABS 4*).
Apart from the above, He is serving on the Editorial Board of fourteen journals, including Human Relations and the Academy of Management Learning and Education. He has edited five special issues for leading journals such as Journal of Vocational Behavior and Human Resource Management. Professor Baruch has won a number of Best Reviewer prizes, including from the Academy of Management Learning & Education and the British Journal of Management.

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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