Please join us online (instructions at the end of the email) for the following paper development workshop. You can join all or part of the conference. 

Best wishes, Yves, Ajai, and Alvaro 

Global Strategy Journal Special issue on Global Strategy and Skepticism about Globalization

Online Paper Development Workshop


Hosted by the editors of the special issue:

Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Northeastern U.), Yves Doz (Insead), and Ajai Gaur (Rutgers U.)


Saturday, March 23, 2019

(All times are EST. UK add 4 hours, Continental Europe add 5 hours, China add 12 hours)




8:45-9:00. Connecting and welcome


9:00-9:55. The Institutional and Firm-Level Determinants of Anti-Globalization: Popular backlash, policy reversal, and firm strategies. Fuller, Douglas; Butzbach, Olivier; Schnyder, Gerhard


9:55-10:00. Break.


10:00-10:55. Changing the Rules of the Game: The Rise of Populism and the Challenge for Global Business Strategy. Devinney, Timothy; Hartwell, Christopher


10:55-11:00. Break


11:00-11:55 Scepticism towards Globalization, International Knowledge Flows and the Emergence of a New Global System. Hashai, Niron; Buckley, Peter


11:55-12:35. Snack/Lunch/Dinner Break


12:35-13:30. Globalization Skeptics or Supporters? Understanding the Internationalization Preferences of Ethnic Minority-Owned SMEs. Joshi, Amol; Inouye, Todd; Robinson, Jeffrey; Hemmatian, Iman


13:30-13:35. Break


13:35-14:30. The Liability of Disruption: An Assessment of the Global Legitimacy Challenges of Firms with Disruptive Business Models. Marano, Valentina; Tallman, Stephen; Teegen, Hildy J.


14:30-14:45. Conclusions


How to join

Connect online to webex and run the program. 

Meeting number: 647 409 757

Password: DtaRqmxh

Join by video system

Dial [log in to unmask]

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 US Toll +1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Access code: 647 409 757


Professor of International Business and Strategy and Lloyd J. Mullin Research Fellow

Co-Editor, Global Strategy Journal 


Northeastern University, D'Amore-McKim School of Business, 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115, USA

Phone: 1.617.373.6568, email:  [log in to unmask]

Website:  SSRN:


Recent books: 

Mexican Multinationals: Building Multinationals in Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press

State-Owned Multinationals: Governments in Global Business. Palgrave  

Recent articles:

Pro-market institutions and global strategy: The pendulum of pro-market reforms and reversals. Journal of International Business Studies

Thanks but no thanks: State-owned multinationals from emerging markets and host-country policies. Journal of International Business Policy

Dynamics of pro-market institutions and firm performance. Journal of International Business Studies

The evolution of business groups’ corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics

From: Academy of International Business List <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Ajai Gaur <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 11:11
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [AIB-L] Online GSJ Special Issue Workshop - March 23, 2019

Dear Colleagues,


We are organizing a workshop for Global Strategy Journal’s Special issue on Global Strategy and Skepticism about Globalization. The call for this special issue was sent out in late 2017. We now have six papers that are in the advanced stages in the review process.


We are experimenting with a new online format for the workshop using webex.


You are welcome to join this event as an attendee. You will be able to listen, but may not be able to directly ask any questions. You could send in any questions or comments to the organizers in writing.


When: March 23, 2019 from 845 till 1445 (EST). Apologies for the short notice.

Where: Online using webex

Hosts: Editors of the special issue - Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Northeastern U.), Yves Doz (Insead), and Ajai Gaur (Rutgers U.)

Workshop details: Please see the program details and instructions to join in the link below:


Best wishes,

Ajai, Yves, and Alvaro 



Ajai Gaur
Associate Professor and Vice Chair
Department of Management and Global Business
Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University, Newark 07102


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