We are very excited to announce the winners of The Second IACMR-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Management. This award is co-sponsored by The International Association for Chinese Management Research<http://www.iacmr.org/> and The Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management<http://www.rrbm.network/>. The innovation this year is the “Executive Input” in selecting the winners. The IACMR-RRMB award recognizes excellent scholarship that focuses on important issues for business and society using sound research methods with credible results. Publications should exemplify the seven principles of responsible research and must have been published in the last five years (2014-2018). (Please click here<https://rrbm.network/taking-action/awards/2018-responsible-research-in-management-award> for the initial Call for Nominations.) We received nominations for 90 articles and 16 books. A committee of 46 accomplished scholars reviewed these nominations, judging each work on its credibility and the usefulness as specified in the seven principles of responsible research<https://rrbm.network/position-paper/principles-of-responsible-science/>. Eighteen articles and five books were judged to be strong on both criteria. This list then received a second review by a committee of ten business executives(most of whom were doctoral graduates) on the usefulness criterion. Then, the Chairs of the Academic and Executive Review Committees discussed the final evaluations and selected the winners. We are extremely pleased to honor the eight “Finalists”, 12 “Winners” and three “Distinguished Winners.” While all the nominated articles and books are outstanding, the review committees felt the selected studies to best exemplify the principles of responsible research: contributing credible evidence and striving for broad and significant societal benefits. Each of the 12 Winners will receive a cash prize of U.S. $500. Each of the three Distinguished Winners will receive a cash prize of U.S. $2,000. We thank JD.com<http://www.jd.com/>’s contribution to IACMR’s Dare To Care Fund for the Award prizes. Please visit this page on the <https://rrbm.network/taking-action/awards/2018-responsible-research-in-management-award-winners> RRBM website<https://rrbm.network/taking-action/awards/2018-responsible-research-in-management-award-winners> to see the list of winners and finalists, the review committees and research assistants, and a brief description of each work. We offer our deep thanks to the 51 reviewers, five chairs, and three research assistants for their dedication and selfless contributions to the IACMR-RRMB Award program. We also warmly thank EFMD<https://www.efmd.org/> for their continued support. The Awards ceremony will be held on August 11, 2019 in Boston at the IACMR/RRBM joint session. Congratulations to the authors of these outstanding research projects that contribute credible knowledge with implications for practice and policy. These publications help move us towards a better world. Cordially, Jia (Jasmine) Hu, Ohio State University, USA, Chair of Academic Review Committee, micro articles; David Zhu, Arizona State University, USA, Chair of Academic Review Committee, macro articles; Peter McKiernan, Strathclyde University, UK, Chair of Academic Review Committee, books; Alexis Fink, Facebook, USA, Chair of Executive Review Committee, micro articles; Jianwen Liao, JD.com, China, Chair of Executive Review Committee, macro articles; Ray Friedman, Vanderbilt University, USA, President, IACMR; and Anne S. Tsui, University of Notre Dame, USA; Founding President, IACMR and Co-Founder, RRBM ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.