Call for Papers: Film Industries and Policies (Asia-Pacific Region)
The European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) is pleased to announce a call for papers on the film industries and policies in Asia-Pacific countries. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of a Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) journal and authors of these papers will also be invited to a conference organized by ECIPE where they will have the opportunity to present their work.
Topic for the Special Issue and Conference
Europe, like many regions in the world, is faced with the growing dominance of Hollywood films and US media service providers like Netflix and Amazon Prime. In response, a number of European countries have developed various measures to protect their film and media industries. These efforts have all been pursued under the name of cultural diversity and creativity, specifically as part of the Diversity of Cultural Expression as advocated by UNESCO. Yet, despite these protectionist measures, Europe’s cultural industries have not shown any significant improvement in their attractiveness nor have they achieved any true cultural diversity. By contrast, the film industries in several Asian countries, such as China, Japan, Korea, and India, have demonstrated better results while also facing the same pressures. How to assess and explain these achievements and what is the key to their strong showing? At the same time, not all countries in Asia have enjoyed such success. A few in the region have only been able to display a limited performance on par with their European counterparts. It would be meaningful here to examine why this is the case.
In this regard, this special issue will seek to analyze the way Asia-Pacific countries have reacted to the dominance of Hollywood films by looking at both successful cases and examples of where some have underachieved. It will also explore the respective film policies of these countries. As a result, this special issue on film industries and their policies will be a meaningful contribution toward helping countries develop more effectively their film industries. This would be a step in the direction of achieving true cultural diversity where a number of film industries among diverse countries are in competition.
We welcome any papers that deal with the topics mentioned above in relation to the aims for this special issue. Please note that the topics for submitted papers must be within a specific geographical area, namely Northeast Asia, Inner Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia & the Himalayas, and Australasia & the Pacific Islands.
Guild, W.L. and Joyce, M.L., 2006. Surviving in the Shadow of Hollywood: A Study of the Australian Film Industry (pp. 264-74). London: Taylor and Francis.
Kim, H.J., Martigane, M. and Parc, J. 2019, “Assessing the Impact of Protectionism upon the Performance of Actors: The Case of the French and Korean Film Industries”, Kritika Kultura 32: 164-182.
McKenzie, J. and Walls, W.D., 2013. Australian Films at the Australian Box Office: Performance, Distribution, and Subsidies. Journal of Cultural Economics 37(2): 247-269.
Messerlin, P.A. and Parc, J. 2017. The Real Impact of Subsidies on the Film Industry (1970s-Present): Lessons from France and Korea. Pacific Affairs 90(1): 51-75.
Murschetz, P.C., Teichmann, R., and Karmasin, M. (Eds.), Handbook of State Aid for Film, Springer: Cham, Switzerland,
Parc, J. 2017. The Effects of Protection in Cultural Industries: The Case of the Korean Film Policies. The International Journal of Cultural Policy 23(5): 618-633.
Su, W., 2011. Resisting Cultural Imperialism, or Welcoming Cultural Globalization? China's Extensive Debate on Hollywood Cinema from 1994 to 2007. Asian Journal of Communication 21(2): 186-201.
Yin, W. 2019. A New Model for Globalization in the Film Industry: Lessons from Sino-US Film Co-productions. Kritika Kultura 32: 117-140.
Peer Review Policy
All articles in this special issue will undergo a double blind peer review: submissions undergo evaluation by the guest editors, followed by at least two anonymous referees.
Editorial Procedures
Submissions are reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers.
Information for Authors
1. The title and abstract (up to 300 words) together with a short bio should be submitted to [log in to unmask] by March 17, 2019 (subject heading: Film Industry and Policies).
2. The title and abstract should be original and should not have been published previously. Please do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal.
3. After review, an invitation to write the manuscript will be sent to those who are accepted.
4. The special issue will publish around five articles, contingent upon the results of the peer review. All authors will be invited to present at a conference (Venue and date are yet to be fixed).
5. For those who are invited to the conference, their travel expenses (round trip tickets in economy class and three-day hotel accommodation) will be covered by the organizers. In the case of co-authored manuscripts, only one person will be covered for travel expenses.
Guest Editors
• Patrick Messerlin, Sciences Po Paris: [log in to unmask]
• Jimmyn Parc, Seoul National University and Sciences Po Paris: [log in to unmask]
Important Dates
• Title and abstract submission: March 17, 2019
• Invitation to write manuscript: March. 31, 2019
• Manuscript submission: August 31, 2019
• First review & decision: September, 2019
• Manuscript submission after revision: November, 2019
• Second review & decision, invitation to the conference: December 2019
• Conference(s): In first half of 2020
• Publication of special issue: Late 2019 or early 2020