

*Call for Papers: Enhancing the Cultural Industries of Europe*

*(Publication Opportunity and Travel Expense Offer)*

*Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research*
the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)
<> are organizing an international conference on ways to
enhance the cultural industries of Europe. This event will be held in
Paris, France in November 2019 (venue and date are yet to be fixed). The
organizers are pleased to announce a call for papers for this event.
Selected papers will be published in the February 2020 issue of *Innovation:
The European Journal of Social Science Research* (Print ISSN: 1351-1610
Online ISSN: 1469-8412), an international peer-reviewed journal indexed in
the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), ASSIA, and Scopus.

The title and abstract (up to 300 words) together with a short bio of the
author(s) should be submitted to *[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>* by April 21, 2019 (subject heading:
European cultural industries).

*Topic for the Special Issue and the Conference*

In recent years, the role of cultural industries has been of growing
interest for governments around the world. This is due to the fact that
this sector is considered as both a core component of soft power and a
potential economic driver. The dominant perception within many countries
has been to view it as a form of art, culture, or even as an extension of
national identity. As a result, many believe that culture and its
industries must be protected by legal and economic measures, particularly
when they are confronted by various challenges in the shape of the Internet
and digitization as well as new business entrants such as Netflix, Amazon
Prime, YouTube, and Spotify.

The European Union (EU) is no exception in this regard. In using a number
of policies such as subsidies, quotas, copyrights, and co-productions, the
EU has sought to strengthen its approach to cultural issues. However, over
the years there have been a number of examples where these cultural
policies have actually had the opposite effect of what they were trying to
achieve. They have created unexpected and unintended negative side effects
while the anticipated positive impact was not so evident. In contrast to
this approach, Korea and later a few other Asian countries including China,
began to loosen their protectionist cultural policies for a wide variety of
reasons—sometimes due to a lack of funding, other times from strong
international pressure, and in a few cases due to their own conscious
decision.  Consequently, businesses in Asia developed strategies to enhance
their cultural power as illustrated best by the rise of the Korean Wave or
*Hallyu*. Considering these important implications, this special issue
seeks to analyze Europe’s cultural industries and/or its policies, with the
help of a comparative approach including cultural industries and policies
in Europe and Asia, or other regions. In doing so, it aims to tackle this
subject and propose policy solutions.

The main outcome for this special issue will be set across three
objectives. Firstly, our work will seek to develop a clearer understanding
of business in the cultural industries and its related policies which will
be useful toward enhancing the competitiveness of this sector in Europe.
Secondly, our special issue will seek to feature a range of international
scholars utilizing different (comparative) case studies and approaches.
Lastly, beyond academic interests, our research will aim to be more policy
oriented: suggestions on better policies will be very much appreciated.

Possible topics could cover a wide range of industries, for example music,
film, publishing, and fashion. They include, but are not limited to:

• History of the European cultural policy development

• Impact assessment of various European cultural policies

• European culture and new media: Acceptance, responsiveness, challenges,
and future

• Business activities and/or consumer behaviors in European cultural

• Changes in government policies for promoting culture and its
industries and rationales

• Comparative studies of cultural industry policies between countries
(among European countries or Europe and other regions)


Benhamou, Françoise, 2015. Politique culturelle, fin de partie ou nouvelle
saison? La Documentation française, Paris.

Meunier, Sophie, 2000. The French Exception. Foreign Affairs 79(4): 104-116.

Hee Jun Kim, Maxime Martigane, and Jimmyn Parc. 2019. Assessing the Impact
of Protectionism upon the Performance of Actors: The Case of the French and
Korean Film Industries. *Kritika Kultura *32: 164-182.

Jimmyn Parc and Patrick Messerlin. 2018. In Search of an Effective Trade
Policy for the Film Industry: Lessons from Korea. *Journal of World
Trade *52(5):

Patrick Messerlin and Jimmyn Parc. 2014. The Effect of Screen Quotas and
Subsidy Regime on Cultural Industry: A Case Study of French and Korean Film
Industries.* Journal of International Business and Economy* 15(2): 57-73.

Patrick Messerlin and Jimmyn Parc. 2017. The Real Impact of Subsidies on
the Film Industry (1970s–Present): Lessons from France and Korea. *Pacific
Affairs* 90(1): 51-75.

Schlesinger, Philip. 2017. The Creative Economy: Invention of a Global
Orthodoxy. *Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research*

Schlesinger, Philip, and Charlotte Waelde. 2012. Copyright and Cultural
Work: An Exploration. *Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science
Research *25(1):11-28.

*Peer Review Policy*

All articles in this special section will undergo a double blind peer
review: submissions undergo evaluation by the guest editors, followed by at
least two anonymous referees.

*Editorial Procedures*

Submissions are reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. The review
process usually takes around 3-4 weeks. Papers accepted for publication
will undergo an additional stage of copyediting. Once the final version of
the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make any further
changes to the text. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to request the
author to make any necessary changes to papers, or reject the paper

*Information for Authors *

1. *The title and abstract (up to 300 words)* together with a short bio
should be submitted to *[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>* by April 21, 2019 (subject heading:
European cultural industries).

2. After review, an invitation to write the manuscript will be sent to
those who are accepted.

3. The special section will publish around five articles, contingent upon
the result of the peer review. The authors will be chosen and invited to
present at a *conference in Paris, France* (exact venue and date are yet to
be fixed).

4. The manuscript should be original and should not have been published
previously. Please do not submit material that is currently being
considered by another journal.

5. Manuscripts must be 6,000 to 8,000 words; longer manuscripts are
contingent on approval by the guest editors. Word count includes the
abstract, body text, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references.

6. For those who are invited to the conference, their travel expenses
(round trip tickets in economy class and three-night hotel accommodation in
Paris) will be covered by the organizers. In the case of co-authored
manuscripts, only one person’s expenses can be covered.

7. No registration fee is needed.

*Guest Editors*

• Patrick A. Messerlin, Sciences Po Paris

• Jimmyn Parc, Sciences Po Paris and Seoul National University

*Important Dates*

• Title and abstract submission: April 21, 2019

• Invitation to write manuscript: April 28, 2019

• Manuscript submission: August 4, 2019

• First review & decision: September 1, 2019

• Manuscript submission after revision: October 6, 2019

• Second review & decision, invitation to the conference: October 20, 2019

• Conference in Paris: November 2019 (exact date will be announced)

• Publication of special section: October 2020


For all inquiries, please contact us via [log in to unmask] (subject
heading: European cultural industries).

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