

JIBS 50 Years (1970-2019) Medal Awardees for Exceptional Contributions to
the Journal


On February 2nd, 2019, the AIB Executive Board approved various awards for
exceptional past contributions to JIBS, in celebration of the journal’s 50th
anniversary. In the sphere of frequency of substantive intellectual
contributions, the following medals were awarded: Platinum, Gold and Silver
(the cut-off date for counting contributions was December 31st, 2018, for
articles published online). In the area of scholarly service, Gold Medals
were awarded to the 8 past JIBS EICs. One Gold Medal was awarded for
Professional Service. 


Platinum Medal for the most frequent contributor to JIBS in the first 50
years: Peter Buckley


Gold Medals for Scholarly Service:  


*         Beamish, Paul

*         Dymsza, William A.

*         Ogram, Ernest W.

*         Brewer, Thomas L.

*         Eden, Lorraine

*         Ricks, David A.

*         Cantwell, John

*         Lewin, Arie Y.



Gold Medal for Professional Service:  Anne Hoekman 


Gold Medals for scholars with at least 11 substantive contributions in JIBS
in the first 50 years (excluding JIBS EICs): 


*         Aulakh, Preet S.

*         Luo, Yadong

*         Rugman, Alan M.

*         Cavusgil, S. Tamer

*         Makino, Shige

*         Shenkar, Oded

*         Dunning, John H. 

*         Meyer, Klaus E.

*         Toyne, Brian

*         Hennart, Jean-François

*         Mudambi, Ram

*         Tung, Rosalie L.

*         Kotabe, Masaaki

*         Pan, Yigang


*         Kwok, Chuck C. Y.

*         Roth, Kendall



Silver Medals for scholars with at least 5 substantive contributions in JIBS
in the first 50 years:  


*         Agarwal, Sanjeev

*         Ellis, Paul D

*         Morrison, Allen J.

*         Aguilera, Ruth V.

*         Farley, John U.

*         Murray, Janet Y.

*         Andersson, Ulf

*         Fey, Carl F.

*         Newburry, William

*         Arpan, Jeffrey S.

*         Filatotchev, Igor

*         Nigh, Douglas

*         Au, Kevin Y.

*         Gibson, Cristina B.

*         Park, Seung Ho

*         Belderbos, René A

*         Globerman, Steven

*         Pedersen, Torben

*         Bello, Daniel C.

*         Graham, John L.

*         Peng, Mike W.

*         Benito, Gabriel R. G.

*         Gray, Sidney J.

*         Peterson, Mark F.

*         Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd

*         Green, Robert T.

*         Radebaugh, Lee H.

*         Bilkey, Warren J.

*         Griffith, David A.

*         Ralston, David A.

*         Birkinshaw, Julian M.

*         Guedhami, Omrane

*         Reeb, David M.

*         Björkman, Ingmar

*         Guillén, Mauro F

*         Reiche, B. Sebastian

*         Black, J. Stewart

*         Guisinger, Stephen E.

*         Reuer, Jeffrey J.

*         Boddewyn, Jean J.

*         Harvey, Michael G.

*         Rose, Elizabeth L.

*         Brannen, Mary Yoko

*         Harzing, Anne-Wil

*         Salomon, Robert

*         Brouthers, Keith D.

*         Hult, G Tomas M

*         Samiee, Saeed

*         Brouthers, Lance Eliot

*         Inkpen, Andrew C.

*         Slangen, Arjen H L

*         Buck, Trevor

*         Johanson, Jan

*         Song, Jaeyong

*         Caligiuri, Paula

*         Johansson, Johny K.

*         Stahl, Günter K

*         Casson, Mark C.

*         Kirkman, Bradley L

*         Sullivan, Daniel P

*         Chen, Shih-Fen S.

*         Knight, Gary A.

*         Terpstra, Vern

*         Clegg, L Jeremy

*         Kobrin, Stephen J.

*         Thomas, David C.

*         Contractor, Farok J.

*         Kogut, Bruce

*         Tse, David K.

*         Cosset, Jean-Claude

*         Kostova, Tatiana

*         Vaaler, Paul M.

*         Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro

*         Lau, Chung-Ming

*         Vaara, Eero

*         Cumming, Douglas

*         Lenartowicz, Tomasz

*         Vahlne, Jan-Erik

*         Cuypers, Ilya R. P.

*         Leung, Kwok

*         van Witteloostuijn, Arjen

*         Czinkota, Michael R.

*         Liesch, Peter W.

*         Venaik, Sunil

*         Daniels, John D.

*         Liu, Xiaohui

*         Werner, Steve

*         de la Torre, José

*         Love, James H.

*         Wright, Mike

*         Delios, Andrew

*         Lu,Jiangyong

*         Yeung, Bernard

*         Diamantopoulos, Adamantios

*         Lyles, Marjorie A.

*         Zaheer, Srilata

*         Doh, Jonathan P

*         Ma, Xufei

*         Zhou, Kevin Zheng

*         Douglas, Susan P.

*         Makhija, Mona V.

*         Zhou, Lianxi

*         Dow, Douglas

*         Mascarenhas, Briance

*         Zhou, Nan






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