Dear AIB Members, and Women in the AIB (WAIB) Members Specifically,
Consistent with my responsibilities as Immediate-Past-President, I’m writing now to mark the official beginning of the election process for the new Women in the AIB (WAIB) Executive Board.
The new Board members will take over in July and run for two years, from 2019-2021.
WAIB Executive Board position descriptions and responsibilities are in the attached Constitution and By-Laws by which WAIB is governed. The following are the open positions for election:
Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Communications Officer, Events & Membership Officer, Academic Research Officer, Chapter-Liaison Officer, and a Student-Member-at-Large held by a currently-enrolled PhD student. As stipulated in WAIB’s Constitution and By-Laws,
the current Vice President, Amanda Budde-Sung, shall automatically assume the role of President.
The elections process will proceed as follows:
Stage 1: Nominations
Nominations are now open. All nominees must be members of WAIB in good standing. Nominations and self-nominations should be
emailed to the Immediate-Past-President, Amanda Bullough, at
[log in to unmask]. Email nominations should include the nominee’s first and last name, email address, the Board position the nominee is running for, and a 1-2 paragraph biography. If nominating someone else, that individual must be copied to the email nomination
and must reply to either accept or decline the nomination. April 15th is the deadline for nominations.
Stage 2: Elections
After nominations have been finalized, Immediate-Past-President, Amanda Bullough will verify that each nominee is indeed a WAIB member in good standing. Then, an electronic ballot will be
emailed directly to WAIB members, with a personalized link that cannot be shared with others. Only WAIB members are eligible to vote. Elections will take place over a three-week period and conclude in mid-May.
Attached are the Constitution and By-Laws by which WAIB is governed. Below are the specific details about WAIB elections.
The Executive Board shall serve for a period of two-years, beginning and ending with the AIB Annual Meeting.
Elections for new Executive Board Members shall be held 2-4 months in advance of the AIB Annual Meeting in the second year of the current Executive Board’s two-year term.
The Immediate-Past-President shall be responsible for organizing and implementing a call for candidates and the ballot of Officers. This may be done in collaboration with the AIB Secretariat.
The entire election process shall be carried out via any non-verbal means deemed reasonable by the Immediate-Past-President and the current WAIB Executive Board (email, social media, electronic survey,
In response to a call for candidates, any WAIB member in good standing may nominate her/himself as a candidate for any of the positions, or any individual WAIB member may nominate another WAIB member.
Letters of nomination or self-nomination (via email text is acceptable) shall present a rationale in support of the nominee. The nominee shall explicitly accept of nomination.
All current WAIB members in good standing with the AIB have voting rights.
Candidates receiving the largest number of votes, out of the total number of votes cast for a particular office, shall be deemed elected and their names forwarded to the Executive Committee of AIB.
Results of the officer elections shall be officially
announced at that year’s WAIB networking event. Incoming Executive Board members can be notified in advance, to ensure attendance at these events as much as possible.
Thank you,
Dr. Amanda Bullough
Associate Professor, Management & Global Leadership
Co-Founder & Director, Women’s Leadership Initiative
University of Delaware
Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics
Department of Business Administration
311 Lerner Hall
20 Orchard Road
Newark, DE 19716
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Recent Activities:
Women’s Leadership Initiative Lerner
| Executive Women’s Leadership
in Business student club |
Advancing Women Faculty
Select Research:
Journal of Management
| Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Perspectives
| Academy of Management Discoveries