

*Call for Papers: Cultural Industries in the Era of Protectionism*

Global Policy <> and the European
Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) <> are
organizing an international conference on Cultural Industries in the Era of
Protectionism. This event will be held in Seoul, Korea in May 2020 (venue
and date are yet to be fixed). The organizers are pleased to announce a
call for papers for this event. *Selected papers* will be published in the
May 2020 issue of *Global Policy* (Offline ISSN: 1758-5880/ Online
ISSN:1758-5899), an international peer-reviewed journal indexed in the
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI, Clarivate Analytics), Social Science
Premium Collection (ProQuest), and SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest).

The title and abstract (up to 300 words) together with a short bio of the
author(s) should be submitted to *[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>* by April 28, 2019 (cc:
[log in to unmask] / subject heading: Cultural Industry &

*Topic for the Special Section *

This special issue will bring together papers exploring the drivers of
change in the size and composition of cultural industries around the world,
such as with films, music, and television. In examining this topic from
both the national and international context, the aim here is to
specifically investigate how businesses, governments, markets, and
societies respond to the changes brought on by globalization and liberalism
(or anti-globalism and protectionism). Such forces have had a significant
impact on the way cultural contents are produced, delivered, and consumed.

Cultural industries are in a period of great change that reflect the
transformations taking place in the broader global economy. In recent years
there has been a notable shift toward anti-globalization and protectionism,
perhaps best exemplified by Brexit and the trade and investment policies of
the current US administration. Consequently, it is becoming increasingly
popular now among countries around the world to adopt protectionist
measures such as trade barriers and restrictions on investment as
highlighted by Simon Evenett. Against the backdrop of the ongoing trade
dispute between the United States and China, multinational companies have
even begun to withdraw their investments from China while the United States
has banned several goods and services from export to China.

These trends have been very evident in the cultural industries. In fact,
protectionist measures emerged in some countries much earlier, as far back
as the 1960s. Such behavior derives from the fact that governments often
regard cultural industries as a source of “soft power” and even as an
economic driver. As a result, they have put in place policies to promote or
protect their national cultural industries. Some of these approaches have
been effective; others less so. The outcome of this is that when faced with
globalization/liberalism and anti-globalism/protectionism, cultural
industries across most countries have shown a mixed range of development;
some have grown while others have declined.

Instead of being limited to social or cultural aspects, this special issue
will focus on the economic causes and effects of cultural policies and how
the business activities operate in the global cultural economy. It
encourages quantitative as well as qualitative analyses, but they should
lead to a clear policy message from a business and/or a government
perspective. This special issue will be open to approaches based on
economic and business analysis as well as on a historical approach.

Possible topics include, but are not limited:

· Effects of globalization and liberalism (or anti-globalism and
protectionism) on business, governments, markets, and societies regarding
cultural industries (trade, investment, business strategy, and social

· Impact assessment of the instruments and policies used by the
aforementioned entities in cultural industries.

· Case studies related to globalization and liberalism (or anti-globalism
and protectionism) in cultural industries.

· Comparative studies that focus on similar policies but different outcomes
across various countries.

· Any long-term perspectives may be particularly interesting if they reveal
more clearly the (positive or negative) interactions between the
instruments and policies examined.


Crane, D., Kawashima, N. and Kawasaki, K.I., 2016. Identifying a Policy
Hierarchy Communication Policy, Media Industries, and Globalization. In *Global
culture* (pp. 88-100). Routledge.

Fung, A. ed., 2017. *Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy*. Springer.

Kim, H.J., Martigane, M. and Parc, J. 2019, “Assessing the Impact of
Protectionism upon the Performance of Actors: The Case of the French and
Korean Film Industries”, *Kritika Kultura *32: 164-182.

Messerlin, P.A. and Parc, J. 2017. The Real Impact of Subsidies on the Film
Industry (1970s-Present): Lessons from France and Korea. *Pacific Affairs*
90(1): 51-75.

Mitkus, T. and Nedzinskaitė-Mitkė, V., 2016. The Impact of Globalization to
Creative Industries: The Analysis of Film Industries of Central and Eastern
Europe. *Creativity studies* *9*(1), pp.64-74.

Murschetz, P.C., Teichmann, R., and Karmasin, M. (Eds.), *Handbook of State
Aid for Film*, Springer.

Parc, J. 2017. The Effects of Protection in Cultural Industries: The Case
of the Korean Film Policies. *The International Journal of Cultural Policy*
23(5): 618-633.

Parc, J. and Moon, H.C. 2019, “Accumulated and Accumulable Cultures: The
Case of Public and Private Initiatives toward K-Pop”, *Kritika Kultura *32:

Yin, W. 2019. A New Model for Globalization in the Film Industry: Lessons
from Sino-US Film Co-productions. *Kritika Kultura *32: 117-140.

*Description of Journal*

*Global Policy* <> is an innovative and
interdisciplinary journal bringing together world class academics and
leading practitioners to analyze both public and private solutions to
global problems and issues. It focuses on understanding globally relevant
risks and collective action problems; policy challenges that have global
impact; and competing and converging discourses about global risks and
policy responses. It also includes case studies of policy with clear
lessons for other countries and regions; how policy responses, politics and
institutions interrelate at the global level; and the conceptual,
theoretical and methodological innovations needed to explain and develop
policy in these areas.

*Peer Review Policy*

All articles in this special section will undergo a double blind peer
review: submissions undergo evaluation by the guest editors, followed by at
least two anonymous referees.

*Editorial Procedures*

Submissions are reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. The review
process usually takes around 3-4 weeks. Papers accepted for publication
will undergo an additional stage of copyediting. Once the final version of
the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make any further
changes to the text. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to request the
author to make any necessary changes to papers, or reject the paper

*Information for Authors *

1. *The title and abstract (up to 300 words)* together with a short bio
should be submitted to *[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>* by April 28, 2019 (cc:
[log in to unmask] / subject heading: Cultural Industry &

2. After review, an invitation to write the manuscript will be sent to
those who are accepted.

3. The special section will publish around ten articles, contingent upon
the result of the peer review. Selected paper will be invited to present at
a *conference in Seoul, Korea* (exact venue and date are yet to be fixed).

4. The manuscript should be original and should not have been published
previously. Please do not submit material that is currently being
considered by another journal.

5. Manuscripts must be 5,500 to 6,500 words; longer manuscripts are
contingent on approval by the guest editors. Word count includes the
abstract, body text, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references.

6. For those who are invited to the conference, their travel expenses
(round trip tickets in economy class and three-day hotel accommodation in
Paris) will be covered by the organizers. In the case of co-authored
manuscripts, only one person’s expenses can be covered.

7. No registration fee is needed.

*Guest Editors*

• Patrick Messerlin, Sciences Po Paris, France

• Hwy-Chang Moon, Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies
(aSSIST) and Seoul National University

• Jimmyn Parc, Sciences Po Paris, France and Seoul National University

*Important Dates*

• Title and abstract submission: April 28, 2019

• Invitation to write manuscript: May 12, 2019

• Manuscript submission: September 15, 2019

• First review & decision: October 27, 2019

• Manuscript submission after revision: December 8, 2019

• Second review & decision, invitation to the conference: January 19, 2019

• Conference in Seoul: May 2020 (exact date will be announced)

• Publication of special section: May 2020


For all inquiries, please contact us via [log in to unmask] (cc:
[log in to unmask] / subject heading: Cultural Industry &

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